Ramen "Hacks"


18 Oct 2015
Local time
12:10 PM
Ramen is one of my all time favorite guilty pleasures. It's not necessarily good for you, but I could eat the stuff for days. I've tried a ton of different methods when it comes to the cooking process and how I've incorporated it into different meals. There are numerous books and websites that feature different Ramen "hacks" to try.

If you haven't seen this Buzzfeed article, there are a ton of different ways to eat Ramen Noodles: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/27-better-ways-to-eat-ramen#.hpdy8WpOZg

How do you eat your Ramen?
Have you tried any creative methods?
I have used it in a stir fry and with pasta. I also have just eaten as soup but added vegetables and different meat to it. I don't eat if often but I do like it every now and then. It is really cheap so I usually have it on hand.
I still don't know if I am a fan, fan, fan. I know my son is and because it was talked about here I decided to try it. The first time I tried it recently mostly for my son we both nearly died - maybe it wasn't that dramatic. The thing is I added a touch of salt to the ramen forgetting that the seasoning was already highly seasoned and I guess you can all guess the result. When I attempted to eat it, the dish was so salty I had to throw it out.
ramen noodles are great and I do not just eat them when I am flat broke. I really do like the taste of them and they are easy to prepare as a late night meal even though they are not good for you. I like to mix sirraicaha sauce into mine to give them the spicy kick, and have been known to add chopped vegetables before. Thanks for sharing this hacks list.
Yes, i have added hot sauce to mine, but I have not gotten that creative. I have seen some very interesting Asian salads that use Ramen noodles in place of Chinese noodles. I think I will try that sometime. I am a big fan of salads in the summertime when it is hot..I think it is a cheap way to add variety to your salads, and I know people do use them for stir frys and other things as well.
By the way, I was browsing in a store the other day...that had a wide variety of cookbooks. One of them was all about recipes with Ramen. As you would expect it was quite full of Asian salads and the like, but I thought it was impressive they had devoted a whole cookbook to it!
I don't usually eat Ramen noodles because of the salt content. I have heard that many people use the noodles in salads and plan to become creative with some of the ideas seen on Pinterest.
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