

Über Member
6 May 2021
Local time
10:20 PM
Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
Ramp season, yum.


First foraging from the cottage.
The photo is beauuuutiful. How do you prepare ramp?
Will research online, not sure I ever had it...
Literally everywhere you use leeks or scallions or any onion really. I pickle quite a bit and use during the year. Today is my carb day and they'll be in the pizza I make tonight.
That looks delectable. I wish they would grow here...
This year like most coincides with blackfly season and it was surely black fly infested. They love peat moss and there's a lowland area in the woods a short ATV ride from the cottage and it's huge. I wore a mosquito cover but it's always get in quick and get out quick.
Do you do anything special to pickle them? And you include the leaves?
No, I don't include the leaves, I use the leaves for puree and mix them into anything. This time I'll mix in with a cauliflower puree, mashed potatoes even yogurt or tempura them on occasion but I use them a lot in chimichurri. Making them into a pesto is pretty common. As far as pickling I generally do a few different renditions. I like coriander, cumin, mustard seed, garlic, chili that type of thing. Some plain. Black pepper, juniper, fenugreek. You literally have any combo of flavourings you can think of.
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