Raw cashews are awesome


17 Mar 2015
Local time
7:32 AM
Title pretty much states my opinion on cashews. However, I don't know what to combine them with. I've tried yoghurt, but all it does is cover up the cashews' magnificent taste and I enjoy them less. Is there something I could try that would make the whole cashew eating experience better?
Could explain why you think raw cashew nuts are 'awesome'. Are they any better than normal cashew nuts?

All cashew nuts have to be heated to be extracted from their poisonous shells. So are you referring to raw as in not treated (roasted) or raw as in truly raw as in a raw food diet?

By the way, most cashew nuts labelled raw fall into the first category, not the second.

And how exactly are you looking at making eating raw cashew nuts a better experience. Pretty much the moment you try to do anything with them they are no longer raw, so most of the suggestions you will get, such as roast or toast them with this, promptly undoes the RAW concept.

Otherwise, given that I am not on a RAW food diet, I find them great in casseroles, stews, soups, curries, Indians, even a tomato sauce recipe for pasta.
I also make large use of them for cream replacement, and even make a cashew nut cheese with them because I'm allergic to dairy products and cashew nuts are an excellent replacement, though I tend to go for the uncooked/natural version rather than what I know as the RAW version.
I don't care to much for raw cashews. Had them when I was in Florida in March. They are tasteless & flat!! :headshake:
Normally, cashew nuts are roasted brown. There's a Sunday market where they sell fresh cashew nuts, not roasted but just fresh and ready to eat. The taste is creamy and sweet. Quite expensive and difficult to buy because it's available only on Sundays and in that specific market only. That's what I give as sendoff gifts to foreigner friends who are going home. They adore those cashews and the first question is where to buy it.
I don't care to much for raw cashews. Had them when I was in Florida in March. They are tasteless & flat!! :headshake:
I'm not keen either. They are too fatty and creamy tasting for me. I think my favourite nut would be hazelnut. Well, it was when I was a kid. But then, we only had nuts at Christmas, with shells on and nut-crackers (which never worked very well).
I will be honest, I do not like cashews. I did not know that they had a different taste if eaten raw. I will have to try this. I think that nuts are pretty healthy if eaten in moderation. I love most nuts however. I think that what I do not like about them is the fact that they are sort of sweet.
We have polished off a kilo of unsalted cashews in a fort night ,on porridge ,salads ,and in my rear pocket on a ride ,there is something that makes them moreish!
Lately, I've been nibbling walnuts, courtesy of Aldi where they are sold so very cheaply. I've developed a thing about the bitter 'skin' taste.
We have polished off a kilo of unsalted cashews in a fort night ,on porridge ,salads ,and in my rear pocket on a ride ,there is something that makes them moreish!
We buy them in 5kg bags, but this latest bag seems to be too roasted for me to make cashew nut cheese from (either that or my probiotics are too old).
I find they are cheaper in 5kg bag sizes but I have had to change supplier this time around because the old one has gone out of business.
We buy them in 5kg bags, but this latest bag seems to be too roasted for me to make cashew nut cheese from (either that or my probiotics are too old).
I find they are cheaper in 5kg bag sizes but I have had to change supplier this time around because the old one has gone out of business.

I had a gift from a firm that makes muesli ,loose kilo bags of cashews,pumpkin seeds and slices of toasted coconut ,all great moreish foods for grazing
I recall returning from a holiday on the Indian sub-continent and changing planes at Doha. Wandering around the shops, we found huge bags of cashews selling for pennies. The hand luggage suddenly got quite heavy.
I had a gift from a firm that makes muesli ,loose kilo bags of cashews,pumpkin seeds and slices of toasted coconut ,all great moreish foods for grazing
you are so lucky!
I recall returning from a holiday on the Indian sub-continent and changing planes at Doha. Wandering around the shops, we found huge bags of cashews selling for pennies. The hand luggage suddenly got quite heavy.
yep - I can see that would be a huge problem. Plus who gets to eat the very last of them....
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