red or white wine?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
1:22 PM
I prefer white wine everytime, I find red wine sour or bitter now if I could find a sweet red wine I would enjoy it but so far no luck what's your favourite wine?.
I prefer red. It's absolutely delicious! I rarely drink any other wine, it's either red or then I'll have a beer.
I don't drink wine with meals unless is a special occasion or celebration, in which case I select the wine according to the food and not to my personal taste for one or another.

I prefer red wine being my favorite Cabernet Sauvignon, but I love sparking white wine too.
I'm more of a beer drinker generally but when I have wine I usually go for a red - Italian for preference.

I'm happy with an occasional sparkling white wine for a special event but still white wines don't seem to agree with me so I tend to avoid those.
Does anyone drink sweet red wine and if you do could you post the name
I'm more of a beer drinker generally but when I have wine I usually go for a red - Italian for preference.

I'm happy with an occasional sparkling white wine for a special event but still white wines don't seem to agree with me so I tend to avoid those.

I used to be exactly like you but it's just recently that I've started to enjoy red wine so much!
Though I don't really like sparkling wine, I can see the idea of using it on special occasions.
I'll drink either, but as NT can't drink white (his mouth swells up!) we stick to red when we share a bottle.
I'm by no means a wine connoisseur as I rarely drink but I'd pick red wine as most white wines have left me with an unpleasant after taste. However, I guess, it just comes down to personal preference as I have some friends who won't touch a bottle of red wine and insist of white wine at every function they attend. Sometimes they even bring along their own bottle, just incase.
At one time, I always drank red wine, but when I was diagnosed with RA and Lupus, I kept a food diary and found that if I drank more than one glass of red wine, I had a flare up the next day. As I am not genetically programmed to drink just one glass of wine, I switched to white, and now I prefer it. I like a dry, fruity white wine, and I love cava (Spanish sparkling wine).
Red wine, definitely. :hungry:
My tastes have varied over time but currently I enjoy Turning Leaf Pinot Noir.

Aside from not being able to drink white wine anymore, I often found it harsh and sickly and didn't really like it chilled. It was worse when it was warm.
Well, I think it depends mostly upon what you're eating to go with it. If I'm just drinking wine in general, I prefer a white wine. Moscoto is particularly good for my taste. I'm not an expert in this area though. I just know what I like and what I think tastes good. I have never been and will never be a wine snob. Now beer on the other hand...
Well, I think it depends mostly upon what you're eating to go with it. If I'm just drinking wine in general, I prefer a white wine. Moscoto is particularly good for my taste. I'm not an expert in this area though. I just know what I like and what I think tastes good.

Isn't that the most important part? As long as you know what makes you happy then that's all that matters, who cares how great "the experts" say the wine taste if it's like sewage water in your mouth?
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