Regular or Diet Soda?

Regular or Diet Soda?

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5 Jan 2014
Local time
11:14 AM
For all of you soda/pop/coke drinkers out there, which do you prefer? Regular soda or diet soda? Why?
I love Diet Pepsi. It is one of my favorite drinks. I drink diet to help eliminate my calorie intake. I also like the taste better. My husband on the other hand loves regular Coke. He says he likes the sugar rush and that it goes well with his meals. I'm a diet Pepsi fan and he is a regular Coke fan. Is your family split like us?
What about you? Regular or Diet Soda?
I don't drink soda often, maybe once or twice a month, but if I do want it it's definitely going to be regular Coke in a can!
When my father was diagnosed with diabetes all of us in the family are aware already of what we are eating and drinking. And sweet beverages like sodas are one of those that we tried to avoid. So we are not drinking sodas only occasionally and if we are attending some gatherings. But if I am going to choose I prefer a regular Coke because I do not like the taste of a diet soda.
I prefer the real deal, I usually don't like the taste of diet sodas.
However, most of the time I just drink water (normal or sparkling water) instead of going for a soda.
I try to avoid soda all together. Key word is try but I do love it. I will not touch diet sodas. The artificial sweetener they use is called Aspartame and is linked to all types of debilitating and even deadly health problems. I actually won't touch anything "diet," "low fat," or "light."
I try to avoid soda all together. Key word is try but I do love it. I will not touch diet sodas. The artificial sweetener they use is called Aspartame and is linked to all types of debilitating and even deadly health problems. I actually won't touch anything "diet," "low fat," or "light."

Here is what you could use to replace sodas. You get a bottle of soda water and mix in some syrup. (which ever taste you like) The taste is great and while the syrup is very sweet you're only going to be using something like 5% syrup and 95% water so overall I think it's a lot better than regular soda.
Just calculated it from some calorie stuff I found on the internet and with about 15% syrup you would get the same calories as Coca-Cola has.
I have never been able to drink any of them no matter what their calorie content. But if I could, I would be with the regular because I hate artificial sweeteners of any kind (same with low fat, or fat-free stuff). I would much rather eat/drink less of something I like and enjoy than be able to consumer more of something that tastes horrible (to me at least!)
I have greatly reduced the amount of diet soda that I drink. However, I cannot stand regular soda, as I find it so unbearably sweet, and all that sugar is not at all good for you. My favourite has to be Diet Pepsi, but I usually avoid the bubbly brown water now and have a sparkling water.
Regular soda (in general) taste best to me. However, in the name of health, I drink mainly diet soda. The brand/type I enjoy the most is Coke Zero.

Taste wise, let's face it... regular soda is much better!! But everybody in my family is overweight, so that mean for us that's the only kind of soda we do drink is diet soda. I have been drinking diet soda since I was really young because diet soda was all there was in my house. Nowadays I'm so used to it I find ot strange when I drink the regular ones!!
When I used to drink soda, I actually preferred the taste and mouth feel of Diet Soda. Regular soda is too syrupy and leaves a coating in my mouth. I feel like I need to brush my teeth after drinking it.

That said, I stopped drinking diet sodas, and soda in general because of a number of reasons - I started having seizures back in 2010, during a time when I was drinking a lot of diet soda. Also, I just got sick of lugging cases of it home from the store all the time. I was spending over $100 per month on soda alone.

I'm not a fan of any of the artificial sweeteners any more. I don't trust them. Even the ones labeled as "all natural" really aren't. Stevia for example is made at such an unnaturally higher concentration than it is found in nature that they companies selling it aren't really 100% sure if it's safe to consume at those levels.

Coke Zero was in the news recently for having known carcinogens in it as well.
I used to drink at least four cans a day of Diet Coke. That doesn't include the (Super) Big Gulp I drank either. I don't like Pepsi.

After, almost, everyone getting on my case about drinking so much pop I quit cold turkey last February. I missed it every single day. It wasn't so much the pop, but the carbonation. I tried every suitable replacement for carbonation, like Club Soda, to no avail. I will tell you, I never felt any different after eliminating Aspartame from my diet. I wasn't getting it from other sources because I cut out all artificial sugars and used a brand of Stevia that was only real sugar and the Stevia. I have a lot of health issues (that began well before I drank a lot of pop) and everyone swore I'd feel so much better without the Aspartame. Not one issue improved.

Anyways, a few weeks ago I had a diet coke when we were out for dinner. It took everything I had to finish it. I've had a few more since so I'm beginning to like them once more. However, I won't go back to drinking the amount I used to. I don't have one every day and if I'm home I'll drink an alternative, like water. It's just water is so darn boring.
I am a soda drinker and I will opt for the diet variety every time. Many people seem to think that I choose the diet soda over the regular soda for health reasons, i.e. it has fewer calories and less sugar, but this is not the case. In fact, I think that by the time you compare the ingredients in diet soda and regular soda it is easy to see that neither is good for you.

The reason I choose diet soda over regular soda is because I prefer the taste.Whilst it is difficult to describe the taste of either diet soda or regular soda I can easily tell the difference between the two.

The other reason I prefer diet soda over regular soda is the way it feels in my mouth. I find regular soda too fizzy and I can feel it fizzing on my teeth, like it is corroding them over a short period of time, and I don't like that. For some reason diet sodas don't have the same effect on me.
I don't drink soda that much anymore, and because of that I have grown to find regular soda to be extremely sweet as I'm not used to it anymore, so I'd usually just pick diet sodas over regular ones whenever I do. However, I do still crave the regular type sometimes, and I still drink it whenever I feel the urge, but it's very rare for me nowadays.
I don't drink enough soda for the sugar content to be a big issue for me. I would always opt for regular as I am unconvinced that artificial sweeteners are as safe as they claim to be. I will let someone else test the long term effects. While the flavours of soda are not always to my liking, I find the diet versions a little less palatable than their sugary equivalents. I do like that they now sell small cans so I can enjoy a soda now and then without having to either drink too much or waste half as it goes flat.
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