Recipe Roast Butternut Squash and Potatoes


1 Apr 2016
Local time
6:10 AM
London/Essex border, UK
Roast Butternut Squash and Potatoes

There are no quantities for this recipe. I just use whatever vegetables I have to hand (or need to use up!)

Butternut squash, potatoes, onions, courgettes, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, green chillies, corn on the cob and pecan nuts. Other root vegetables (optional).

Parboil the potatoes for about five minutes first, drain and give them a good shake to get fluffy. Put them and the squash in the roasting dish with a couple of tablespoons of oil. Give them a good stir. After about ten minutes, add any other root vegetables if used, then twenty minutes later the quartered onions, peppers and the courgettes, adding a bit more oil and stirring if necessary. After another ten minutes, add the tomatoes, garlic and sliced chillies. The total cooking time is about an hour at gas mark 6/400F/200C/180 fan, so the corn (simmered for three minutes) and the pecan nuts, along with the seeds from the squash, should go in for the last five minutes or once the potatoes are cooked. Drizzle a small quantity of oil over the corn, nuts and seeds, and sprinkle over some freshly ground black pepper.


If adding green vegetables, parboil them (e.g. brussels sprouts) or just start to wilt down ( e.g. kale) before adding them with the corn.

I have also substituted sweet potato for the squash, and added carrots and/or swede and/or parsnip. Quartered red onions are good too, as are thickly sliced mushrooms, and sliced aubergine, sliced peppers. In fact practically anything so long as it looks nice and colourful.

The roasting dish shown in the photo is the largest my normal sized oven can take. A full roasting dish of vegetables will make about four to five servings if used as an accompaniment to meat or poultry or three to four servings as a complete vegetarian meal.
Mixed roasted vegetables are great! I'd add a few herbs or spices. perhaps rosemary, sage and whole garlic cloves (no need to peel. The garlic will roast to a puree and can be squished out of the skins).
This is something I would do but I am thinking the time seems long. I am also guessing the corn has already been cooked or steamed?
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