Rocklobster’s Big Breasts


Legendary Member
15 Mar 2017
Local time
9:49 AM
Check these out. Massive chicken breasts I use for my sandwiches and meals. That’s a half boneless skinless breast pictured. Weighs in at around 24 ounces or a pound and a half. I hate to meet that guy in a dark alley. I’ve also posted some loins from them. They are the size used for commercial chicken strips. We call them chicken fingers up here.
I cook them through and slice them for sandwiches. More economical than the smaller sizes. Funny thing….
Check these out. Massive chicken breasts I use for my sandwiches and meals. That’s a half boneless skinless breast pictured. Weighs in at around 24 ounces or a pound and a half. I hate to meet that guy in a dark alley. I’ve also posted some loins from them. They are the size used for commercial chicken strips. We call them chicken fingers up here.
I cook them through and slice them for sandwiches. More economical than the smaller sizes. Funny thing….View attachment 108552View attachment 108553View attachment 108554
They are beasts! I regularly cook chicken breasts or boneless thigh for sandwich meat. Are they poached?
They are beasts! I regularly cook chicken breasts or boneless thigh for sandwich meat. Are they poached?
No. I slow cook them covered on trays. No seasoning. I’ll use the meat for various applications as I require. We have a few salads and sandwiches on the menu, so I’ll season them appropriately ala cart.
I find - other than a long poach - it is very difficult to cook such mega-breasts to remain tender.

I slice them in half, thickness wise. made some guides - various thickness - to handle them:
(the half-inch guide...)


the result (different dish, same mega breast...)

the thinner sections I can sear / fry / whatever without having the outer bits turn to chicken leather before the inner bits are cooked.
I go 300 for about 35 minutes or until they reach 170. Covered tightly. They render enough liquid and create enough steam to keep them moist..No problems with drying out..Then, I transfer them to another storage insert and cover tightly again and in the walk in they go to cool. I usually have some always ready for slicing...
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