Room for Dessert


16 Nov 2014
Local time
10:59 AM
Washington, USA
How often do you actually eat dessert after a meal? Some people have a dessert each evening after dinner, while others save them for special occasions. In my home, dessert is not something we eat every night. Sometimes we will have sugar cravings and I will make a sweet treat for us all to enjoy.

I also almost never have dessert when we go out to eat because I am typically too full from the main meal.
We have dessert on special meals like Easter or Thanksgiving. We will have something around for a sweet snack but we don't really call it dessert.
I might just have a dessert if I'm on holiday and we're doing half-board, but generally not. If I want something after a meal, I'll have a piece of fruit.
I do not eat dessert very regularly after a meal. I would generally have a drink, maybe some fruit juice, lemonade or a soda drink. Sometimes I may eat fruit. I usually leave dessert for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, or some other celebration. When I go out to dinner or lunch, that is another time that I eat dessert.
We don't usually eat desserts but when we have a big meal during the holidays then dessert is always on the menu. Sometimes when we go out to eat I will order something from the dessert menu to finish off my meal.
I never have a dessert. My grandsons always want dessert when then come to see me. I usually look after them at least one day a week whenever they are on holiday, so food is the oder of the day when they are here.
Almost never. But thats mainly to do with the fact that I don't like sweet food and that I'm always minding my figure!
I remember once as a kid I had a friend over and when we finished dinner I said "shall we go do X?" and she answered "what about pudding?" - we were young so it was intended as rude from her or anything, although it seems that way now. I didn't know what to say as we only have dessert occasionally in our house. Either if someone feels like making something special, on a birthday etc, or sometimes if someone just went grocery shopping and saw something that looked good :lol: the idea that they have it every night in their house was so weird to me.
I don't have dessert often - usually once I've had a meal I don't feel like I need it. Sometimes if I do indulge I usually split it with someone, so that way I get my sweet fix but it doesn't go overboard (some dessert portions are crazy!)
Interesting thread. I saw it and immediately thought of when I have guest on the odd occasion and feel that I must have some dessert and then most pass because they have to rush off or something like that.

As for me, I hardly ever have dessert after my meals. The only time I really sit to have a proper meal is Sunday and once I have eaten, I just want to let the food settle and get my 'rest of the week'. Even when I have eaten out on the odd occasion, there really is never room for any dessert and most of what is on offer is too sweet for me anyway.
As above when we have a guest and also about once a month. The last year was gooseberry crumble after we were given a whole list of gooseberries in exchange for a 12.5kg bag of wild bird seed we gave away. We are currently eating out way through a sweet chestnut and dark chocolate torte after I raided the freezer at the weekend and liberated some of last year's sweet chestnuts. They were in damaged of being lost and there will soon be a fresh batch from this season so it was time to eat some more. I think there may be another 2 portions of it left... :hungry: :porky:
Very rarely have a pud ,cheese with fruit and biscuits,maybe ,but the rest of my family will always find room
Since I moved back home with my parents and siblings, I've been making dessert much more often. My brothers have a sweet tooth and my mom loves anything fruity. I usually make individual dessert servings (pudding, bread pudding, trifles, brownie, etc) that don't take much time or commitment to make and enjoy! It's been a nightly ritual lately to have something sweet a few hours after dinner. If I make a batch of cookies, then at night we'll enjoy some cookies and tea together.
My family doesn't together much anymore due to school and work but when we do get together in restaurants or at home we definitely like something sweet afterwards to cap off the meal. We usually eat ice cream that's stacked in the fridge or take a bite of chocolate that my mother has brought from the grocers. When I eat alone I always reserve some room for sweets. I usually have some sweet cakes or biscuits prepared.
Not a big fan of dessert, when we go out for a meal we will sometimes finish with a cheese board, very rare to have anything sweet.
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