Sausages in the states ?


14 Nov 2012
Local time
12:00 PM
Durham NE. England
Just a question to you guys in the states [or anywhere else really] - do you have sausages over there ?
Never seem to be mentioned either on TV or by any Americans we've met.
I don't mean things like salami or hot dogs but real sausages as in beef, pork, pork and apple, Lincolnshire, Cumberland etc etc. Ok I know the last two are British types but can it really be that the humble sausage never made it across the pond ? Is it just not an American thing ?
Just seems odd.
Yes, we have Italian sausages hot, sweet and mild flavors, also have cajun sausage, Andouille (Pronounced An-Dewy) sausage, we also have all beef all pork all chicken sausages such as Aidelles, If you can get to this site you can see the products that they sell, mostly chicken, like sun dried tomato and basil chicken sausages, chicken and apple etc... We also have Brats, and other types of sausages.
Fair enough - or is it that the sausage is used differently over there. Here in the UK it's used in the traditional breakfast with bacon and eggs or in the mmmmmm sausage sandwich or in 'bangers and mash' or 'toad in the hole'. Come on America let's have a few of your sausage recipes. :hungry:
They do have sausages for breakfast - but despite the fact they are called breakfast sausages, they don't all look much like a good old British banger. Although I found some that did:


I think using sausages for breakfast is seen as a 'country style breakfast'. See more here:
We like Italian sausages its peppers and onions (bell peppers red, green, yellow etc.) most don't feature the sausages as you do in the UK. We tend to mix them into the dish instead of them being the feature like your Bangers and mash which is pretty good. (had it in Canada, don't know if the sausages are different in the UK than Canada) but they were more mild than our sausages generally are. result&referringContentType=search results

You can look through this link there is a pretty wide selection of how we use our sausages
They do have sausages for breakfast - but despite the fact they are called breakfast sausages, they don't all look much like a good old British banger. Although I found some that did:

View attachment 2672

I think using sausages for breakfast is seen as a 'country style breakfast'. See more here:
Thank you Morning Glory I totally forgot our breakfast sausages... LOL
Sausages are a way of life,butchers guard their recipes and enter them in prestigious competitions,different types ,different meats,from favourites to oriental duck ,
They certainly do have sausages over there. In the areas where there is a population of German immigrants you will find some amazing restaurants almost dedicated to sausages. During a trip to Indiana a while back I visited such a place and ordered the sausage selection platter which was heaving with dozens of different sausages with all kinds of flavours. Some were great and some, well, not so much.

I don't think the British skill at producing fine sausages is too well known over there which is a shame because we have some fantastic producers of artisan sausages here in the UK. Go to most towns in the UK and there will be at least one butcher who produces their own sausage creations but even in their own town they may not be well known. It's such a shame because I think Britian should be known for there sausages and pies as well as Roast beef.

I'll stop there before I go off on one. :)
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