School Lunches from around the World


14 Apr 2015
Local time
11:16 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)

I thought this article was really interesting!

It seems a lot of school-aged kids around the world get lunch provided for them, and this showcased a few different offerings from various countries.

Do any of them appeal to you more than others?

I think if I was choosing one, I'd pick the offerings from either Brazil or Greece based on the pictures!
Over here, schools used to be tasked with the food of the students particularly the grade school. I grew up on that since I studied in a private school. But due to the issues of sanitation and hygience, add to that the issue of nutrition, schools have stopped serving compulsory lunches in their canteen although they still serve for students on a voluntary basis. In fairness to schools, the cost of the food is cheap although not really that delicious, hahahaaa.
In my area now all schools at primary have to provide a hot meal again ,which is great because most ripped their kitchens out years ago..
even though secondary schools are on a health run ,most of the kids are in such a hurry they forget this!
Lunches from Ukraine, Spain, France, and Finland appeal to me. I enjoy a variety of foods, and am usually amenable to trying new things, as long as they're not pets, rodents, insects, etc. Standard foods are much more appealing than things like that.
Here in my husband country where we are currently living the government not only provide free education in the elementary level but at the same time provide free meals for the children in that level. Here at age of one year old the children are already sent to schools teaching and introducing to them their native foods, how to play and interact with other children and how to eat properly. Education here for children has 3 levels. For 1 year old to 3 years old. For 4 years old to 6 years old. Then the elementary level already. These age groups had free meals in schools provided by the government.
In France I know primary schools get a three course lunch , over a 2 hour lunch break , sat with the teachers who can have a glass of wine it's around 4 euro a day , but full time workers get vouchers for lunch from their employers
Here in the US kids can purchase their lunches from school cafeteria each day or take them from home. Both of my kids prefer to take lunches from home because the cafeteria food is not the best. I had a sample once and was not impressed. Those families who are low income get free lunches through the school as part of the welfare program around here.
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