Searching for "Lost" Things in the Kitchen.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
3:07 AM
Brighton, MA.
Have you ever wanted or needed something that you know you have, but can't find it no matter where you've looked for it? You serch high & low for it, but you still can't find it!

That has happened to me the other day. I was looking for two little round racks that I use for roasting meats in the oven, & just couldn't find them!! Eventually, I did find them inside the small roaster,

Has this ever happened to you at all? It makes my blood boil!! :headshake::mad:
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I suppose it happens to us all from time to time unless we are super organised. It usually happens to me because someone else has unloaded the dishwasher and put things in strange places. But there are occasions when I've put things in silly places myself... like the time I searched high and low for a rolling pin, eventually to find that it was in the cupboard with the foil, baking parchment and clingfilm. Well - there was a logic to it: they are all long thin cylindrical shapes. The rolling pin was nestling quite happily next to its bedfellows.
A friend of mine (who died last year sadly) "lost" his wallet. He looked everywhere but eventually he cancelled all his credit/debit/ATM cards.

Two days later, he found it in the fridge.
It usually happens to me because someone else has unloaded the dishwasher and put things in strange places.
My daughter usually empties the dishwasher. I'm confident that she knows where to put some things, like mixing bowls, but I make a point of taking out other things (like meat grinder parts) before she has a chance to figure out a creative place to put them.
I Lose things in the back of the fridge all the time, don't know if i ever find them cause often they don't quite look the same when i finally pull them out. A general policy is if its lost look under the stove as that is the favorite place the cats hide things. Here is the last time i removed the drawer under the stove:

In the 1980s, I shared a house in Oxford with a chap who was quite magnificent when it came to losing things. One day, we spent about an hour searching for his car keys. By this time, I was in severe need of a cup of tea and when I opened the fridge to get the milk out, there they were on the second shelf.

If car keys could grin malevolently, they would have done.
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