Seasonal fruit

3 Jul 2014
Local time
2:35 AM
What fruit is plentiful at this Christmas season in your part of the world?

Where I live, around this time of the year, tropical fruit like guavas and golden apples are plentiful . These are two of my favourite fruit. Golden apple trees yield quite a lot of fruit, and they usually grow quite big. Many people make golden apple juice from this fruit, which is a very nice beverage. The guava tree does not grow as big as the golden apple tree. Some people make what we call guava cheese using guavas as one of the main ingredients. Guava cheese is not savoury, however. It is a sweet chewy fudge-like delicacy which is sprinkled with sugar on the outside. A picture of what this looks like is shown below.

In your country, what fruit do you look forward to at this time of the year?

Oranges... not plentiful (not as they were in Greece and Turkey) but this is the time when they are ripe and at their best... very nice straight of the tree. Here in the UK it is when they are at their best in the supermarkets as well.
I love pumpkin this time of year! It's the perfect time to season and puree it for the holidays! I also like to make pies and roasted pumpkin seeds! Don't forget about the pumpkin-spiced drinks that come out during this time of year too in all those fancy coffee places!
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