Seasoning Blends Too Coarse These Days?


11 Sep 2013
Local time
1:06 PM
I've noticed a lot of new seasoning blends hitting the shelves these days, particularly steak and chicken seasoning blends. The problem I have with most of these is that they are way too coarse. They don't adhere well to the meat when you add them, and most of it falls off in the process. Then after you cook the meat, they really don't break down much at all. It's like eating something that's been dropped in gravel.

It this supposed to be considered appetizing? I mean, I get that they want you to see some of the specs of color, but I don't want to be gnawing on hard bits of dried herbs and vegetables and rocks of salt. At times I've had to pull out my spare coffee grinder and give them a whir in it before using them.
Agree with you, many seasoning blends are really coarse, but some of them come into jars with integrated grinders, or you may get a spice grinder where kitchen gadgets are sold.

Many people recommend mortars but if I have to use one of this, I would better get my own dried herbs and make the mixtures on my own. It's supposed that we buy seasonings from the store due to convenience and time saving, not really if we have to grind the product. Perhaps the solution is looking for alternative seasoning brands instead.
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