Recipe Self Pity Meatballs.


4 Dec 2012
Local time
3:02 PM
Self Pity Meatballs.
This is a recipe sent to me by the mother of a good friend, so I will attribute this recipe to Mrs Almond of Attleborough, Norfolk. It is a wonderful blend of tastes to brighten up a miserable day.
Serves two.

1/2lb Minced Beef.
4oz Tomato Juice
4oz Tomato Ketchup
1 Table spoon Redcurrant Jelly
1 Dessert spoon Lemon Juice
1/2 teaspoon English mustard
Roll the mince into Walnut size balls.
In a Saucepan/sautee pan: Add all the other ingredients except the Lemon juice to the pan. Heat gently until just simmering, carefully add the Meat balls, and cook slowly over a low heat for at least 40 minutes. Before serving add the Lemon juice to taste. There is no need to add either Salt or Pepper to this recipe ..... it is already in the Tomato Ketchup.

Ooh lovely! And I love the name. It's true, that's exactly the really easy sort of meal you want when you're feeling down in the dumps.
Haha, the name of this recipe is funny. I think I will make this tonight, it looks pretty good. I'm not sure about the salad though. What's the use of adding a salad if you are already eating a dish that is high in calories. I bet the sauce is fattening, if you were to eat it every day. I'm a bit conscious about what I eat so I'll be making some adjustments to the recipe.
I have tried a recipe similar to this one and it is fabulous. I love the photography. Did a very nice job showing off this recipe. Makes me hungry just to see it. I like the contrast that the mustard and jelly combination gives to the meatballs. They really compliment each other.
That sounds really interesting, almost like a sweet & sour meatball - kind of like the cocktail meatballs served at parties. I'm Italian, so I grew up eating the traditional Italian meatballs on a regular basis, but every once in a while it's nice for a change of pace like this. I used to make a cocktail meatball based on a recipe on the back of the bottles of Heinz Cocktail Sauce which simply called for beef meatballs, in a sauce of Cocktail Sauce mixed with Grape Jam, and I think some garlic powder as well. That's what this kind of reminded me of. However I don't think I've ever had Red Current Jelly to know what it would taste like.
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