Serving Dessert... Do You?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
11:31 AM
I've never gotten into a habit of serving dessert with our meals... I love cooking and trying new recipes and I have a ton of dessert recipes that I've tried and want to try... but I generally keep them for special occasions.

How often do you serve dessert with your meals? Around my house it's maybe once a month if we're lucky. Oh, I should say that I mean dessert that you cook, assemble, or bake... we always have things like cookies and ice cream in the house to grab when needed, but I'm asking about a genuine dessert that is served at the end of your dinner. :thumbsup:
Ohh wow... a genuine desert that I'd take the time to make... maybe once or twice a year? First of all I live alone and I'm not a big fan of desserts. If I make a special dessert then it's for a big family meal with all my relatives etc. I could never imagine doing that regularly.
Same here. I only make desserts for special family occasions. I like to bake desserts but I rarely have the time to make them everyday so I only do them for special occasions.
Not often.

It is usually fruit or something with custard on.

I think I like the idea of Arch making the main meal while I make the dessert when we are married and living together. That may mean we just get fat real quick! :roflmao:
My sister-in-law just showed me a recipe for a dessert called chocolate suicide. It looks good but you should definitely eat this in moderation

In a pan arrange cookie dough on the bottom, then put oreo cookies in the middle and top with brownie mix. Bake until brownies are done. Top with ice cream, or whipped cream and chocolate.
Not often.

It is usually fruit or something with custard on.

I think I like the idea of Arch making the main meal while I make the dessert when we are married and living together. That may mean we just get fat real quick! :roflmao:

I like that idea!:thumbsup:

I don't often have dessert as such, as part of a meal. (well, except at NT's where his folks serve it). I'll just have a main course, and then a little later a little snack like a biscuit, a bit of chocolate or cheese (or a piece of cake if NT bakes. Growing up, pudding was something we only really had on a Sunday or special occasion.
My sister made a dessert of mini cheesecakes and it was delicious. I quit enjoyed them and ate more than I should've.:D
probably 3 or 4 times a month, if you discount serving (soya) yoghurt or vegan ice-cream (sometimes homemade). Crumble is the usual winter one served with soya custard. sometimes stewed plums with soya custard, sometimes just soya custard. Summer tends to be homemade cashew nut chocolate "cheese" cake, or summer fruits with soya cream. otherwise it is a help yourself from the fruit bowl...
I only serve deserts with a meal when it is a special occasion dinner, in example, Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners, or a celebration dinner.

I love deserts though so my family as well, but I usually come up with a desert when I find a new recipe to try, or when my family ask me to prepare one, usually as "side-dish" for an early evening coffee break.
Took my mom out for her birthday Sunday and she had a chocolate fudge brownie for dessert. It looked soooo good I wantedto get one but I'm watching my weight so I ddidn't get one even though I was drooling over her dessert. She quite enjoyed her dessert. I was glad because that was the only dessert lije that my mom was going to get for a while.
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