Shopping at the push of a button


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
6:14 PM
Following on from the online shopping thread. Would anyone be willing to try shopping at the push of a button?
Service is up & running, but only the one shop, so far.

Place it. Press it. Get it.
Dash Button comes with a reusable adhesive and a hook so you can hang, stick, or place it right where you need it. Keep Dash Button handy in the kitchen, bath, laundry, or anywhere you store your favorite products. When you're running low, simply press Dash Button, and Amazon quickly delivers household favorites so you can skip the last-minute trip to the store
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Thats one word for it. Blimey you'd need a bloomin big fridge to stick all those to. And it would take you ages to find the button you want as well. And tide is an American product. The button is not available in the uk yet. They have started a new thing though in the UK. You can get them to send you items you order more than once say every month. A repeat order. It will automatically send the item to you each month
just imagine the fun a young kid could have!




I was thinking of getting mine for Dairy Milk Chocolate. Me being one of their chosen few(Prime Customers)!
I've only ever bought one thing via Amazon as well. A printhead for one of my printers.
My only concern is space. I have such a small area. If space weren't a problem, though, I would absolutely fall in love with the convienance
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