Show us your Fridge Magnets


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
7:32 AM
Milano, Italy
I like to look at my fridge magnets, each one has a story, mostly linked to travels/trips I had and bought them as a memory/souvenir; other ones are about travels/trips that have had someone else who gave me as a nice thought.
Sadly some of my fridge magnets has been broken, thus they are not very much, but I have my faves still there :
1. London Telephone Box that I bought on 1998 the first time I have been to London.
2. Edinburgh houses+ Castle, I bought it on 2017 when I have been to Edinburgh.
3. Sister card from Ireland that my brother gave me when he has been in Ireland about 10 years ago. It says “there is no better friend than a sister, and no sister quite like you” :love:
4. The little Sardinian 4 Mori symbol on the Sister card.
5. Photo of Pasteis de Nata in Lisbon.
6. Two Rio de Janeiro magnets I had from a Brazilian aunt who is a painter.
7. The Guinness bottle opener I bought in Dublin on 2000.

So I wonder now, do you have/like fridge magnets? What are your faves and what is their story?


Ahhh, fridge magnets, a point of contention between my wife and I.

I prefer the clean, sleek look of an uncluttered fridge door, and she likes the idea of magnets scattered all over it. Guess who wins? :laugh:

If I look at the fridge long enough, I can give myself a headache!

I'll get some pics posted later.
I got none.
Me neither.
I prefer the clean, sleek look of an uncluttered fridge door, and she likes the idea of magnets scattered all over it. Guess who wins? :laugh:

I'm the same. It upsets me to see 'clutter' in the kitchen. Kids love fridge magnets and thus I used to have some when they were little but I never liked them. I do have one magnet which is a discreet heart shaped tin lid 'priser'. It came with something 'gourmet' in a tin (can't recall what it was). It doesn't stick to the fridge though. I think my fridge doors are not made of metal.

I'll try to take a snap later.
These are from around Europe:

Yes, I do realize I've got Sandringham in there, but Liz is pretty much German and Phil is Greek, so I'm sticking with it. The piper...maybe that's foreshadowing Scottish independence and a return to the EU. :)

These are theme park-related. That's my wife's official name tag when she worked in HR at King's Island:

I included Las Vegas because it's really just one big theme park. :)

These I title "Places I'll Never Go," except that I've been to Jamaica, so I'll add the addendum,"Or Go Back To:"
These are from Pennsylvania/Michigan/Indiana:

The lower-left one is either from Intercourse, PA (located on state route 340), or a magnet earned in recognition of the number of times we had boinkies in a year...who am I kidding? We're married, so it's from Intercourse, PA! :laugh:

These are various US ones:

These are informational:

And these are the remnants:

Those are my daily-wear ribbons from when I was in the Air Force, and they're shy one oak leaf cluster on the Commendation Medal, because I was awarded that when I left the service, so I didn't have a chance to get a new set of ribbons made.
magnets away.jpg

magnets closeup.jpg

I have no magnets on the front of the fridge, but I do have them on left and right. This is the right side.

Across the top: Moose with functioning thermometer - New Hampshire. Butterfly - A butterfly conservatory in Deerfield, Massachusetts. Ship - an absolutely fun Pirate Weekend in Virginia. Lighthouses - Maine. Last magnet in that row - New Mexico.

Second row - Wickford Rhode Island lighthouse. Random rabbit hanging down. New York Botanical Gardens. Cat with note: "I've always got food on my mind". (You may not see it, but there's a mouse atop that cat's head...)

Below: Liberty Tabletop - flatware made in this country. Below that: the hair cutting place I used to go to before COVID hit. Other side of the rabbit - Savannah Georgia, holding up a snapshot of my Mom.

The things not visible in the close up shot but available in the further shot: Kitchen Measurement Conversion Chart, and a pad of paper I can pull a sheet off for whatever reason. Ie, shopping lists.
magnets left.jpg

On the left side of the fridge (which leads into the pantry) I have magnetized containers of herb and/or spice blends. That next to bottom row has space for two more. That bottom row on the left really doesn't, because I want hand room to use the electrical outlet further along in there.

I was making great use of the Weekly Planner until about March of last year. Right now, not much matters on a weekly basis. (I have a monthly planner on my upright freezer door - and I do use that. But as that's the only thing on that door, so, no photo.)
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On the left side of the fridge (which leads into the pantry) I have magnetized containers of herb and/or spice blends. That next to bottom row has space for two more. That bottom row on the left really doesn't, because I want hand room to use the electrical outlet further along in there.

I was making great use of the Weekly Planner until about March of last year. Right now, not much matters on a weekly basis. (I have a monthly planner on my upright freezer door - and I do use that. But as that's the only thing on that door, so, no photo.)
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