Recipe Simple pasta recipe


27 Nov 2015
Local time
3:35 AM
As a chef I learned few good recipes, and I was working in a place where being Italian and eating the Italian food is a perfectly normal thing. I was working in Malta where every other restaurant is Italian cuisine.
This is quick and beautiful recipe. My favourite as well.

- Spaghetti
- several cloves of garlic
- olive oil
- basil
- parsley
- ground red pepper ( cayenne, powdered of course)
- parmesan or any hard cheese for topping

So, put some oil in the frying pan to heat well. Prepare garlic by cutting the cloves in half. Prepare spaghetti al dente and drain them properly. Put sliced garlic into the hot oil,chopped basil and ground pepper. You just need to feel the smell of garlic and to see it getting brow but not to much. When it happens you add spaghetti and toss over several times if you know how if don't just stir gently with a spoon or spatula of a kind. When nicely mixed we add a handful of finely sliced parsley and mix again. If it is not oily enough we should add some more olive oil.
Serve in a plate with cheese on top.
This definitely looks easy to prepare as the ingredients are very basic and could be found on almost any kitchen. I do not see any meat on it which I think is perfect for my friends who do not eat meat. Thank you for sharing this recipe I will include it on my cookbook
Thank you for sharing this quick recipe. I did something similar for a quick meal the other day, I added spaghetti sauce to mine, no meat and topped it with cheese. It was quick and good.
Thank you for sharing this quick and easy recipe for pasta. It sounds like something that can be fixed quite easily when you don't have a lot of time to prepare a meal or when guests unexpectedly show up at meal time.
I love simple pastas. I've been wanting to make some for quite some time now.
I see simple or easy and you get my attention. It's not that I am lazy or don't like a challenge, but for right now my lifestyle requires that I stick to the easy things so I can still function. That said, I think I am going to make a quick bread right about now. or maybe some pasta?
That sounds very good. If you want an extremely easy to make pasta dish which is quite good, google Alan Alda Pasta. He made this once on Martha Stewart and has been well used by many...It couldn't be easier and it tastes delicious as well. I love recipes that are simple and don't take a lot of preparation and a lot of dishes, pots, and pans.
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