Southern Cooking


10 Sep 2013
Local time
3:17 PM
Henderson, Nevada, USA
...makes you good lookin'!

Here's an entirely American cuisine: food from the American South.

From Wikipedia...
A traditional Southern meal is pan-fried chicken, field peas (such as purple hull peas), greens (such as collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, or poke salad), mashed potatoes, cornbread or corn pone, sweet tea, and a dessert that is usually a pie (sweet potato, chess, shoofly, pecan, and peach are traditional southern pies), or a cobbler (peach, blackberry, or mixed berry are traditional cobblers). At least a dozen soups also have their origins in the American South.

Some other foods and beverages commonly associated with the South are grits, country ham, hushpuppies, Southern styles of succotash, mint juleps, chicken fried steak, buttermilk biscuits (may be served with butter, jelly, preserves, honey, gravy or sorghum molasses), pimento cheese, boiled or baked sweet potatoes, pit barbecue (especially ribs), fried catfish, fried green tomatoes, bread pudding, okra (fried, steamed, stewed, sauteed, or pickled), butter beans, pinto beans, and black eyed peas.

I'm a huge fan of Southern food. I feel like the food from that region is rich and delicious and while it's not something that I eat daily, I would if I lived down there. Mind you, I would also weigh two times what I weigh now if I did, so maybe that's a good thing...

Do you like Southern cooking? What's your favorite menu item that you can find down South?
You only want me to pick one? I don't think that I could do that, but then again I am from the South. Chicken fried steak, shrimp and grits, fired green tomatoes, cornbread with chitlins, and sweet tea are some of my very favorites.
I agree.. it's hard to choose. I just moved away from New Orleans recently, where I learned to cook cajun red beans and rice properly. I had no idea beans could taste that good. What was I eating before? Anyway, the smoked ham hocks are what gave it its rich flavor. The Andouille sausage helped, too. It became a favorite dish of mine due to the fact that it was dirt cheap down there. (And absolutely delicious.)
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