Recipe Spanish omelette

3 Jul 2014
Local time
4:04 AM
Omelettes are one of my favourite breakfast meals and they can be made in various forms. See one of the recipes for making a Spanish omelette below.


4 eggs
1 onion
1 tomato (large)
Oil for frying
1 tablespoon salad oil
1 tablespoon raisins (cut up finely)
1 teaspoon olives (cut up finely)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon tomato sauce


Cook the onion, finely chopped, in the salad oil; add the chopped tomato, raisins, olives, nutmeg and tomato sauce. Remove from heat. Beat egg lightly with 1 teaspoon water and 1/4 teaspoon salt
Make an omelette in another pan frying it in some hot oil. When almost set, lay on the mixture and fold the omelette in 3.
Serve hot.

This looks really good. I have had many omelettes but I have never had a Spanish one before. I like the ingredients that are used and I have never had raisins in an omelette before either. I do like raisins though. I will have to give this one a try some time.
Looks good indeed. Raisins and nutmeg? I might just leave those out and maybe it will be an English Omelette? I guess there is no limit to the things you can use to make omelettes.
The addition of raisins is something that I have never seen in a Spanish omelette but I bet it is good. I really like making omelettes as it is a great way to use up odds and ends of meat, cheese veggies and so forth. Frittatas are another good way to use up ingredients when you have a bit of this and that hanging around your kitchen. I love making one that has spinach in it.
Wow! This is interesting having raisins in a breakfast omelette. I love raisins and I am sure this will give a twist to the usual ingredients that I am having for my omelette. Thanks for sharing and I will surely try this one. :wink:
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