Special Diets...So Hard to Know What's Right!


10 Sep 2013
Local time
6:04 AM
I have been getting quite an education in special diets since a family member was diagnosed with IBS. She also has trouble with dairy foods, especially cheeses. I feel really bad when we share a meal or have a family gathering because I can eat anything and she's so limited in what won't cause problems. :( I have a huge problem with guilt, I guess!

But anyhow, the reason for my subject line is that I've been trying to help her research foods that would be safe for her to enjoy. The information and misinformation is staggering. I literally saw the same food listed on a "good for IBS" and "horrible for IBS" list the very same day.

We concluded that since no one really knows what will set off flares in any particular person, it's just hit and miss. If something causes a problem, experiment with removing it from the diet, at least for a while if you want to experiment later. It could have just been coincidence, but bottom line is that it's often better to create our own special diet for certain illnesses because everyone is so different in what they can tolerate.
I have to be honest. I've always been a little skeptical of the "IBS" diagnosis. The primary people affected, in my experience, are severely overweight people. I can't help but wonder if "IBS" is really one of the body's ways of shutting down in the face of essentially being over-eaten to death.

I know it sounds harsh, and I realize I'm not really helping here. And if your family member doesn't fall in this category, I apologize. Part of me wants to say, you have to treat those affected like an infant, and go back to basics. Start with simple grains. Add simple fruits and veggies. Protein comes last. I think in many ways, it isn't about YOU altering your entire meal plan, but about the person being selective about what he or she eats, all the time.

I don't know. That is a tough one. I wish I could help you get over your guilt.
I know a family friend with IBS and she is very slim and generally healthy so I wouldn't say that everyone with IBS is overweight. In fact, the only people I know other with IBS and generally quite slim.

I think I would feel quite guilty as well. Mainly because you can feel their pain of not being able to eat all that delicious food. I would hate to have IBS. I couldn't cope with all the food restrictions as I just love food too much.

Why don't you try talking to your family member about your guilt. They may be able to make you feel better.
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