Spring is in the air. What's the weather like where you are?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
6:54 AM
Where I live we do not call it Spring, but I do know that they are those in other parts of the world who are welcoming the spring. It is a time when everything starts to bloom and blossom again.

In my country we are having some really beautiful weather at this time of year. Even though it is very dry - unusually dry in fact - I am enjoying the nice sunshiny days. I can tell that the hot days are coming in soon, but with all the lovely breezes we are experiencing, the heat is not that obvious yet. It seems that we are in a season of drought though - don't know the last day we had any significant rain, only some very light showers which are few and far between. However, I would not complain since I believe the rains will soon start coming in making everything green again.

How would you describe the weather at this time in your part of the world?

It rains, its grey, its cool but not cold and its occasionally sunny! Its increasingly wet in the UK it seems. But as usual our weather is unpredictable. This morning it rained here, then the sun came out for an hour. Now its clouded over again. We are still wearing overcoats!
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It is unseasonably cold here! I mean our weather has been really weird. One day it is warm in the 70's and the next you have to wear a winter coat. The weather person said we could even get some snow...in April??? that never happens here! However, my guess is in two weeks it will be 90 degrees and stay that way. On our warm days we are getting blossoms so everything is starting to turn green.
Snowing at present, with a heatwave forecast for tomorrow!
We are having sporadic weather here. in Georgia. It has been warm (in the low to middle 70's F) but there is a cold front coming through and our high today is 66. but we will warm back up here in a week or so. have my tomatoes and basil planted, also Parsley, green onions, tarragon, thyme, oregano, and cucumbers.
It rains, its grey, its cool but not cold and its occasionally sunny! Its increasingly wet in the UK it seems. But as usual our weather is unpredictable. This morning it rained here, then the sun came out for an hour. Now its clouded over again. We are still wearing overcoats!
Here oop north it's even wetter cloudier and the wind is colder.
Just wondering - has anyone noticed the seasons seem to have moved back a month ?
Here oop north it's even wetter cloudier and the wind is colder.
Just wondering - has anyone noticed the seasons seem to have moved back a month ?

This is much. It should be getting warmer, but its been raining heavily for the past few days with small spurts of the sun trying to show itself. Today it already look so downcast I just know it will rain again. I swear every year the seasons move back a little.
It had started to warm up plants have started to turn green with nice warm temperatures and then winter came back. Hopefully we will be in full summer weather by the end of the month. A really heavy rain storm came thru yesterday so it is time to start weeding.
Well, judging from these posts, it would appear that everyone is experiencing different kinds of weather patterns. Some of the weather patterns are even fluctuating in some places. I would say that the weather here has been quite predictable over the past couple of months - bright sunshine and sometimes cloudless skies. Maybe we should share the weather and even it out a bit (ha! ha!). However, I am enjoying these sunshiny days. I will also welcome the rains when they come in since there is a lot of dryness around.
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