Recipe Steelhead salmon 3 citrus gravlax


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
4:04 AM
SE Florida
Steelhead salmon is steelhead rainbow trout that has decided to live in the ocean. They still come back to freshwater to spawn, but unlike salmon most live and return to the ocean.

We've made gravlax with this recipe several times and really like it. It's adapted from Emeril's 3-citrus gravlax recipe. The filet was about 1 pound after I trimmed it down to an even thickness. You can, of course, increase the amount of cure for a larger filet.

1/3 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup sugar
1-1/2 Tbsp chopped cilantro
1/2 Tbsp grated lime zest
1/2 Tbsp grated orange zest
1/2 Tbsp grated lemon zest
1 Tbsp vodka
1-1/2 Tbsp coarsely ground black pepper

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Rinse off the salmon and check for and remove all pin bones. Pat the filet dry and place on a large piece of plastic wrap. Using half of the cure, spread evenly on top side of filet. Flip it over and do the same with remaining half of cure. Wrap the filet in the plastic wrap. Then, wrap again using a second sheet. Place on a baking sheet, place another baking sheet or rack on top and then place weights on top. Place in refrigerator and let cure for 24 hours. Rinse excess cure off, pat dry, wrap with new plastic wrap, and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Ready to spread the cure, wrap and weight.

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Fantastic! The rainbow trout over here are only half that size, that looks more like a salmon in size.

Apparently from what I've read, they grow bigger once they start ocean living, but still not as large as salmon. One of the reasons I decided to try this was the size as it's much smaller than the normal salmon fillets we get.
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After a little more than 24 hours, excess cure washed off, patted dry and ready to wrap. It seriously firmed up and slightly shrunk. Let off a good bit of liquid as well

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I used to shoot trout in a river that ran through a friend of mines farm 35 years ago. With a .22 , not very sporting but my friend ate it all.

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