Recipe Stir-fried Mussels - Vietnamese Food


Senior Member
6 Jul 2019
Local time
2:35 PM

  • 3 lbs - Mussels
  • 1/2 cup - shallot (sliced)
  • 2 tbsp - ginger (sliced)
  • 4 - chili peppers
  • scallion (minced)
  • Vietnamese coriander (minced)
  • Fish sauce, annatto powder, mononatri glutamat, pepper powder
  • Seasoning powder (a mixture of salt, sugar, meat powder, cassava powder, garlic powder ...
  • Vietnamese dry pancake
  • Soak mussels in water for about 2 hours
  • 2 hours later, washing the mussels in the sink under running water
  • Boil mussels for 10 - 15 minutes
  • After boiling, mussels open up completely, get mussels out of shells
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, add sliced shallots, annatto powder and stir-fry for 1 minutes to brown.
  • Add mussels, sliced ginger, fish sauce, mononatri glutamat, seasoning powder to the pan, then stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add pepper powder, scallion minced and Vietnamese coriander minced, then stir-fry for 30 seconds.
  • Present food on a plate and enjoy it (eatting with dry pancake)
Sorry for my bad English.I am not a native speaker of English
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Welcome, your list of ingredients sound amazing. Cooking times, I stir fry mine for a minute then lid on and steam for 2 to 3 mins. Look forward to more of your cooks.

Two hours soaking in fresh water would kill them also. We purge ours in water mixed with salt. And ours get cooked only until they open too.
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I wasn't aware of fresh water mussels, ours come from farmed ones from havelock. In bays in the sounds.


We have freshwater mussels here, but just like the freshwater fish we have, I wouldn't consider eating them.
We have freshwater mussels here, but just like the freshwater fish we have, I wouldn't consider eating them.

The zebra mussel is an invasive species here in the US. I think they like both fresh and brackish water. I probably wouldn't eat them, either. I will eat certain freshwater fish however, depending on where sourced.
The zebra mussel is an invasive species here in the US. I think they like both fresh and brackish water. I probably wouldn't eat them, either. I will eat certain freshwater fish however, depending on where sourced.

Despite our countries supplies of rainbow and brown trout, I don't eat freshwater fish.

However I eat koura, it's a wee freshwater crayfish, a bit like crawfish in murica. They are so sweet and yummy.


The way crawfish are cooked in Louisiana (the way I cook them), they are nice and spicy! Laissez les bon temps rouler! Of course plenty of ice cold Abita beers are necessary. The veges are also nice and spicy!
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