Recipe Stuffed sweet peppers with ground beef

3 Jul 2014
Local time
1:16 PM
Well now that the next ingredient for the Cooking Bites Challenge has been announced, I will start the ball rolling with a recipe pertaining to stuffed sweet peppers or bell peppers as they are also called.


4 sweet peppers
1 stalk celery
3/4 pound cooked minced meat
2 tablespoons onion
2 teaspoons tomato sauce
1 teaspoon cornflour
Salt and pepper


Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds.
Chop the vegetables (celery and onion) and mix with the minced meat.
Add the tomato sauce, cornflour and salt to taste, and mix well.
Stuff the peppers with this filling, and bake them for 1/2 hour.

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Well done! First one off the mark! Stuffed peppers is a classic dish and there are lots and lots of variations. This is a good straightforward recipe. But where do you use the breadcrumbs stated in the ingredients? Normally they would be mixed in with the meat...
With this recipe, even though breadcrumbs are mentioned in the ingredients, they are not mentioned in the method. I can only assume that they are mixed in with the meat. I got this recipe from a cookbook. Maybe the breadcrumbs not being mentioned was an oversight.
With this recipe, even though breadcrumbs are mentioned in the ingredients, they are not mentioned in the method. I can only assume that they are mixed in with the meat. I got this recipe from a cookbook. Maybe the breadcrumbs not being mentioned was an oversight.
I think you are right. They should be mixed in as they help bind the stuffing. But its also good to sprinkle a few on top for a crunchy topping.
Well Caribbean Girl is off and running. Wonderful! Who would believe that only last night I had some pepper cut in half to experiment with and don't ask me what happened. I ended up using them in a mash potato. At least with this round I can easily find the ingredients.
I actually had to look up couscous. I think I could a million years and not discover all there is to know about food. Mind boggling if you ask me.
I love stuffed peppers. I have made them many time and I like the fact that you can adjust them to whatever your liking is.
This recipe is very similar to the one that I make. I am so happy to see this classic recipe show up on this challenge. If I
find the picture of my stuffed peppers I will make I will post it! :)
Congratulations @Caribbean girl you are the winner of the Challenge. I have tried this recipe and it was a hit. I like the simplicity of it and how it can be adjusted to each individual taste.
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