

22 Oct 2014
Local time
4:46 AM
What are your favorite substitutes for glutinous grains? There are lots of ways to work around gluten, but sometimes it is just easier for me to make completely different dishes rather than try to figure out a substitute. If I knew a little more, I think I would have better success making gluten free versions, rather than just avoiding the dish altogether.
Okay about two years ago I decided to go gluten free, you would think that would be easy right? not so much. What I do is this, our grocer has a section in the organic area that also has all Gluten free things.Because I am also watch chemical additives I check labels. there are many things like noodles and cake mixes on the market now. The corn based noodles are very good, you would never know they are gluten free. Just make sure they are GMO free. Rice base seems to be fine, I love mac and cheese the auntie annes brand (one with the bunny on the label) is really good.
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