Recipe Subway's Sweet Onion sauce


Über Member
6 Sep 2015
Local time
5:23 PM
So I'm a HUGE fan of Subway's Sweet Onion sauce (especially on a Chicken Teriyaki sandwich!) and I've experimented in the past with trying to replicate it at home, to poor results. I was curious to see if anyone else had tried as well, and perhaps had more success than I? Still looking for a good, close recipe! :)
This is also my favorite sauce at Subway and I have tried a number of them also. This is the latest one I tried and I love it. It takes a lot of ingredients to make it but it is well worth. I love that it keeps so well so that I can have it on hand when I want it. I pretty much stayed true to the recipe and it was perfect.

Subway Sweet Onion Sauce


1 c. sugar plus 2 tablespoons
1⁄2 c. plus 1 tbsp cold water
6 tbsp white vinegar
1 1⁄2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp arrowroot powder
1 tbspminced onion flakes
2 1⁄2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 1⁄2 tsp mustard powder
3⁄4 tsp celery salt
3⁄4 tsp fresh onion juice (use a garlic press)
3⁄4 tsp poppy seed
1⁄2 tsp onion salt
1⁄4 tsp garlic salt (plus 1/8 tsp)
1⁄4 tsp paprika (plus 1/8 tsp)
1⁄4.tsp black pepper (plus 1/8 tsp)
1 -2 drops sesame oil

  1. WHISK sauce ingredients together in a small saucepan, sugar, cold water, white vinegar, red wine vinegar, arrowroot powder, minced onion flakes, Dijon mustard, mustard powder, celery salt, fresh onion juice, poppy seeds, onion salt, garlic salt, paprika, black pepper and 1-2 drops sesame oil.
  2. BRING mixture to a boiling while whisking constantly.
  3. REDUCE heat to low simmer, stirring until thickened and flavorful, about 5 minutes.
  4. ALLOW to cool, then refrigerate in a sealed container (keeps indefinitely).
  5. SERVE as a dressing for sandwiches or salads and enjoy!
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I believe that is the same one, Winterybella! :)

L_B: that is indeed a lot of ingredients! But hearing your review on it makes giving it a go worth it. :) If I know there's another Subway fan out there that thinks it's pretty darn close, then that's enough for me! I'll let you know how it goes!

Do you use it for other things? Or just sandwiches ala Subway?
I will have to try the sweet onion sauce. I am not sure if I have had it before. I think more franchises should bottle their sauces and sell it to consumers that might be interested in purchasing it. Since the onion sauce seems to be a popular one, that might be a prime candidate to try to sell to consumers. I think Subway would likely do well with marketing some of their sauces. Making it at home seems to be a big project!
I will have to try the sweet onion sauce. I am not sure if I have had it before. I think more franchises should bottle their sauces and sell it to consumers that might be interested in purchasing it. Since the onion sauce seems to be a popular one, that might be a prime candidate to try to sell to consumers. I think Subway would likely do well with marketing some of their sauces. Making it at home seems to be a big project!

I agree! Companies could make big bucks selling their special sauces. I just don't understand why they don't! I can think of so many right off the top of my head that I would love to have at home. They could have my money! Lol.
I will have to try the sweet onion sauce. I am not sure if I have had it before. I think more franchises should bottle their sauces and sell it to consumers that might be interested in purchasing it. Since the onion sauce seems to be a popular one, that might be a prime candidate to try to sell to consumers. I think Subway would likely do well with marketing some of their sauces. Making it at home seems to be a big project!

Another vote on the "they should sell it" bandwagon! They could make a pretty penny by selling it in stores. I wonder if they're concerned that by selling the sauce they could lose some sandwich sales since people could probably just make their own sandwiches at home and use the sauce!
Oh my I was surprised to see the list of ingredients. That is a lot and I thought I would not see the obvious -- onion.
Selling secret sauces can make a lot of profit. I had watched some videos about the sauce with a rooster on it how it began and prospered. Very inspiring.
Thanks for sharing your recipes! Subway's sweet onion sauce is my go to choice, when ordering from Subway. :)
I'm so torn. I love the sauce too, but that is a lot of ingredients. Although it looks like they are pretty easy to find and it all just goes in a pot, so maybe not so bad.
I have not tried the sweet onion sauce, but it sure does sound like it would be good. I am not sure if the Subways around where I live even carry the sweet onion sauce. What region do you all live in? I am going to ask for it next time I go to Subway. Keeping the above recipe so that I can make my own batch for sandwiches at home.
I have not tried the sweet onion sauce, but it sure does sound like it would be good. I am not sure if the Subways around where I live even carry the sweet onion sauce. What region do you all live in? I am going to ask for it next time I go to Subway. Keeping the above recipe so that I can make my own batch for sandwiches at home.

I'm personally in Florida. But I feel like it's something most of them have, you just have to ask! :) They have a Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich, or you can have them put it on any sandwich you want. :) (But the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is my favorite!!!)
I have not tried the sweet onion sauce, but it sure does sound like it would be good. I am not sure if the Subways around where I live even carry the sweet onion sauce. What region do you all live in? I am going to ask for it next time I go to Subway. Keeping the above recipe so that I can make my own batch for sandwiches at home.
We get almost nothing in New Zealand, but we have this sauce at Subway, so definitely take a look for it. I always liked it on a chicken/bacon sub or even a meatball sub.
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