summer solstice


14 Oct 2012
Local time
9:33 PM
Salisbury Uk
just watching a tv programme about the Chinese summer solstice celebration and dog eating festival,
10000 dogs are slaughtered over 48 hours and hotels are full,the story is alive on social media with some big celebrities having their say.
some say it has been a push by the dog traders,
to celebrate the occasion many go to Stonehenge 12km from me ,and no one is offered to the gods now,
Oh gosh I can't even open the link because I don't think I could handle reading any more about it!

Don't get me wrong I understand different cultures do things differently - and some things we do here probably sound terrible to other countries - but eating dogs, I just can't fathom it.

They're called man's best friend for a reason! :(
Oh gosh I can't even open the link because I don't think I could handle reading any more about it!

Don't get me wrong I understand different cultures do things differently - and some things we do here probably sound terrible to other countries - but eating dogs, I just can't fathom it.

They're called man's best friend for a reason! :(
It's all about what you consider to be food ,social conditioning,but in this case it's how they are gathered and destroyed and the fact they are getting their coats burnt off at the side of the road,not many people consider how,their food is slaughtered and never think of it as a animal but a piece of meat in a tray,in a super market
I'm not saying I agree with it, I was simply pointing out that we view cows differently to Indians, so where is the issue with dogs and Chinese or say Koreans? What is the issue with 'us' eating cows but not dogs. Why is it so wrong that the Chinese are eating dogs? How is it any different from the west eating cows when in Indian cows are revered and presumably dogs can be eaten? That was all.
It's all about what you deem as normal!but I think must of us have always enjoyed the knowledge of where food comes from,it's been looked after correctly ,and killed humanly ,where as the dogs were being taken off the streets ,shot with cross bows,some were even poisoned,and the cows well that's just barbaric
It's all about what you deem as normal!but I think must of us have always enjoyed the knowledge of where food comes from,it's been looked after correctly ,and killed humanly ,where as the dogs were being taken off the streets ,shot with cross bows,some were even poisoned,and the cows well that's just barbaric
I don't understand how you view eating one kind of meat any different to another. Cows roam fields (in the west), dogs roam streets. They are both sources of meat at the end of the day, no different from deer roaming wild and being shot (as they are), or found injured and put down and their meat used where it can be (as it is). Eating guinea pig, hamster, snake, cat, dog - any of these is suddenly an issue because we, in the west, keep them as pets and therefore anyone who eats them must be wrong.

I don't disagree that the festival is seen as being 'barbaric' in the west, but I don't judge cultures on traditions given what we in the west have been known to get up to in slaughter houses. At least in the festival there are practices that are adhered to, priest who insure that things are done in a certain way and that animals are generally killed as quickly as possible, and that they check for animals who are alive and kill them rather than leaving them suffering - it is just the sight of the all those dead animals that westerns can not handle. Hide it away in a shed and all of a sudden it is fine!
What's not to understand , I'm agreeable with the fact that we all look at animals in different ways
I've done the look after roger rabbit for a couple of months then have to eat him, I have the ability to look my prey in the eye, most if the west look at meat in a tray in the supermarket , I prefer my meat to be of providence , lived a happy life , not chased or poisoned in the back streets , most animals are kept for meat , maybe we are unique with keeping a animal as a friend, yes I keep a dog and I know I could not kill her , for food ! That's my social conditioning
Pigs were kept at one time, with two purposes
1) Living dustbin
2) For eating later, once fed enough.
What if the dogs have rabies in them? Is cooking the dog meat enough to get rid of it? I am guessing these are stray dogs.I think that is one of the reasons why some people are not consuming dog meat.
"What we in the west have been known to get up to in slaughter houses' is not quite the same. There are rules of conduct and laws for slaughterhouses to adhere to - not doing so is breaking the law. I am not saying such things don't happen simply that there is an attempt to prevent them. To excuse other forms of killing because some establishments don't follow those rules is like excusing murder theft and mugging because that goes on here too.
Further, cows and pigs in a field actually live quite well - a sick cow for example is of little value to a farmer and up untill the day of their death they have veterinary care an adequate diet and have considerable time spent on them - they are valuable assets.
As I have said before we are too far up the food chain to survive without killing. We cannot photosynthesise. As to wether we accept eating meat and killing animals or eating vegetables and killing plants [which despite the fact that they neither moo nor baa is still killing] is irrelevant. If it is discovered that plants have a true nervous system and communicate and suffer then either we must stop harvesting plants as we do or simply die out as a species within a few weeks.
For us to live something must die but we have a choice how it dies and with farmed animals how it lives too.
What if the dogs have rabies in them?
Rabies is transmitted from saliva to an open wound (like a bite). So basically the dogs saliva has to come into contact with human blood.
(something my husband and I know rather too much about after being attacked by a pack of dogs in a rabies outbreak area, both of us were bitten with me needing +100 stitches to a leg wound).
I watched a old episode of Derek lately ,the Ricky gervais character who goes on a date and could not understand where all the frogs were when we ate their legs and why we would eat snails if the chicken had not run out ,!
Again it's how we look at the food we eat
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