Sunflower Seeds


26 Mar 2014
Local time
12:14 PM
I'm a big fan of sunflower seeds. I love them shelled, unshelled, salted, unsalted, doesn't matter. Today, I came across what I like to think might be the Holy Grail of sunflower seeds. I found...honey roasted sunflower seeds. I've never tasted a sunflower seed so incredibly wonderful in my entire life. They are by Nature's Harvest and they are wonderful. If you can find them, I urge you to go and get them immediately. SO GOOD!
Mmmm, they sound delicious!

I struggle with sunflower seeds myself, though. If I get them shelled, they're SO easy to eat and I end up eating way too many of them....turning them into an unhealthy indulgence instead of something that might be otherwise healthy. And if I buy them unshelled, then I get frustrated because I have to remove the shells from them and can't really enjoy them as much.
Whilst cycling through Estonia & Latvia we came across sunflower seed helva which was amazing. Never managed to find it again though and I love sunflower seeds, though I usually roast my own at home and have them lightly roasted.

I'm guessing marmite roasted cashew nuts have not made it across the Atlantic yet? They are amazing! Of course it helps if you like marmite but they are so very yummy. Honey roasted cashew nuts don't last long in this household either!
MMMMM. It all sounds so good! I'm the same way with sunflower seeds. I just buy them unshelled at this point because I get too angry when they are shelled, lol. I've never heard of marmite roasted cashew nuts but now I feel like I need to find them somehow! I don't know if Bavarian nuts are big anywhere else but I make my own at home. It's basically egg, sugar, cinnamon and brown sugar coated nuts. I bake mine on a tray and frequently stir them. They end up with a hard coating. You can make them with any type of nut but I like mine on cashews or almonds. They're just so good!
I can do either shelled or unshelled. But if unshelled I love honey roasted as well. If they are shelled I can only tolerate Ranch.
I love sunflower seeds as well and even pumpkin seeds. I think they are great to snack on while watching a movie because you spend half the time uncovering the shell and even if you end up eating a lot, it's okay since it's healthy. Honey roasted sunflower seeds does sound awesome, I agree. Hopefully, they are available in my local grocery.
The snack store franchise that's clung to every movie theater in my town has sunflower seed M&M type snacks as part of their pick-and-mix. It's roasted sunflower seeds covered in milk chocolate and a thin colored candy shell. My favorite!

Sunflower seeds have a lightness to them that keep me munching no matter how they're prepared, yes...I might like to add them to something like pesto sauces, for the texture.
Sunflower seeds are highly nutritious and I do like to munch them. I prefer them to be toasted hot with a little soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce.

I will definitely try honey roasted seeds if I see any.
Sunflower seeds were the go-to snack when I was growing up. Admittedly, I haven't eaten them much sense. However, the idea of honey-roasted sunflower seeds might entice me to give them another chance.
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