
Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
8:52 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Has anyone (dared) try this Swedish delicacy? I'm always up for a challenge, so thought I might order some on-line. Can get it for £9.95 plus pp. Not sure you can get it at all elsewhere as it is not allowed to fly!
I've seen it and smelt it,but couldn't face trying it, i really like soused herrings,the ones in sherry are the real thing,didn't want to spoil herrings with the fermented variety,but have tried hakarl from Iceland its nasty,ákarl
Why couldn't you face trying it? I'm fascinated by this. I don't think smelling it would put me off. Surely you would have been interested to try it (I thought you said you had eaten duck embryos!) :yuck:
Why couldn't you face trying it? I'm fascinated by this. I don't think smelling it would put me off. Surely you would have been interested to try it (I thought you said you had eaten duck embryos!) :yuck:
Just the smell for me ,I had not bought them they were from a supplier ,I think I got the booby prize this day,as I said I like herrings s lot ,but I bowed out this time ,I never say never as I said that Iceland hakarl was just wrong,
And as I've posted before I do eat most things
I don't think I have had this particular herring, but I have had pickled herring, which I absolutely love. I am a huge fan of fish with herring being one of my favorites. We always had pickled herring at Christmas, which we purchased from a Swedish shop. If I were to be able to go to that shop myself and see this type of fish, I would absolutely try it. I do like fermented foods myself.
I don't think I have had this particular herring, but I have had pickled herring, which I absolutely love. I am a huge fan of fish with herring being one of my favorites. We always had pickled herring at Christmas, which we purchased from a Swedish shop. If I were to be able to go to that shop myself and see this type of fish, I would absolutely try it. I do like fermented foods myself.
This is not like pickled herring (which I also like). Its fermented in the can so long that the can bulges with the gases. The smell is apparently absolutely disgusting. There are plenty of U-tube videos of people trying it! I'm still toying with the idea of buying a tin...
In Norway we came across Stock Fish in the Lofoten Islands. They smelt horrible, they looked horrible, evil in fact and there was nothing that was going to tempt me to try one....
My step-father did try it. He said it was a once in a lifetime, tried it, don't need to do it again thing!

In Norway we came across Stock Fish in the Lofoten Islands. They smelt horrible, they looked horrible, evil in fact and there was nothing that was going to tempt me to try one....
My step-father did try it. He said it was a once in a lifetime, tried it, don't need to do it again thing!

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It's a bit similar to Bombay duck in some respects ,salted and air dried
I like using salt cod in dishes ,and brandade with French stick is lovely
Again there are plenty of regional dishes similar ,but fermenting in the tin is it a stage to much
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