Recipe Sweet Chocolate Pasta (Pasta di Cacao)


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
7:59 PM
SE Australia
OK - I know. Chocolate pasta really? Yep, really. Actually it should be cocoa pasta but Cacao tend to get translated as chocolate into English....

There are 2 versions of this. The sweet and the bitter. This is the sweet one.

150g '00' Pasta Flour
50g Cocoa powder (preferably Dutch Processed) or cacao powder.
30-50g icing sugar (powdered sugar/confectioner's sugar)
2 eggs, beaten
1-2tbsp cold water

  1. Combine the flour, sugar and the cocoa/cacao powder in a bowl.
  2. Add the beaten eggs, and working into a dough. If it is a little dry add a little water, a teaspoon or two at a time. If it is too wet, just add a little more flour and work in. You want a dry dough.
  3. Tip it out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead it for roughly 10 mins until smooth.
  4. Wrap it in clingfilm and allow it to rest for 30 minutes
  5. Now cut into manageable sizes, - the rest depends on if you have a pasta maker or not. I don't so my instructions are for a rolling pin. Roll it as thin as you can get it!
  6. Now lightly flour the surface so that it is dry and carefully roll into a short, fat cylinder. With a sharp knife, slice into 2-3mm strips (or wider if you prefer). Repeat for the rest of the dough.
  7. Cooking in unsalted boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Serve with a suitable sauce of your choice - Nutella melted in a cream sauce, a lightly sweetened cream sauce, a chocolate sauce made from a cream base with dark chocolate melted into it served over strawberries.... you get the idea. One really odd idea that came to mind was that you could serve it with chilli after all chilli traditionally has a couple of pieces of dark chocolate melted into it, so why not serve it with chocolate pasta instead of rice?
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So some pictures of the Sweet chocolate tagliatelle which is what I made from this chocolate pasta.


Rolled out to cutting size and floured so as not to stick together when cut.


Rolled up into a roll ready for easy cutting into tagliatelle


Cut and ready to be unrolled - they unroll very easily.


Ready for cooking.
Do you think adding some fresh fruits could be a good alternative? Or maybe soft cheese?
the pasta itself wasn't overly sweet. it just took the edge off the cocoa powder and tbh, there wasn't a huge chocolate taste, more a smell of chocolate. Adding fruit instead may work. I'm thinking strawberries or raspberries here which work well with chocolate. I'm not certain on the cheese front - it is way too many years since I last had any. But the idea of warmed mascarpone with a sprinkling of demerara sugar melted on the top as a glazed caramel would add a nice crunch (Its an old dessert of ours, raspberries (or any summer fruit) mascarpone and demerara sugar then put under the grill until the sugar starts to almost burn - serve immediately). that might work.
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