Tasty Rice Dishes


19 Mar 2014
Local time
7:07 AM
Rice is one of the staple items in the store cupboard at our house and we eat it on a regular basis. Usually, I serve it as an accompaniment to dishes such as curries, goulash, chilli con carne or stir fried vegetables. There are only three real rice dishes I make- biryani, cold rice salad and kedgeree. Does anybody have any suggestions for some interesting rice based dishes? It is such a cheap ingredient that is easy to cook and I would love to be more inventive with rice.
I like rice cooked together with lentils. This can be topped with fried onions for a simple vegetarian dish. I was served it by an Egyptian friend who told me it was what poor people eat, but it was so good I have often cooked it for myself.
I like frying left over rice with Chinese sausage or ham or even spam. Just add it alongside onions, eggs, and some salt, and you're done. I love this because of its simplicity not only in terms of cooking but also for eating as well since you only have to use and clean up one dish and one spoon. :)

You could also try looking into some Japanese rice cooker recipes as well, but I've honestly never personally made these myself. I think these are best done with Japanese rice, though, which may be a bit more expensive than the average type of rice.
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There is a Chinese breakfast recipe I tried out a few times in the past that was pretty good - plus it's a good way to use up day old rice. You just saute some scallions and fresh tomato in oil, then add some scrambled egg and a few splashes of soy sauce and serve over steamed rice.

I also enjoy shredding zucchini on a box grater, then cooking it with some instant rice in chicken broth (in place of water). When it is done, I toss in some shredded cheese, such as cheddar. In place of the zucchini, diced fresh jalapeno is good too, especially when paired with shredded sharp cheddar.

You could also take some peppers and onions, and perhaps a link or two of fresh chorizo with the casings removed and crumbled, and saute it all then add the rice for a "dirty rice" of sorts.
I like sweet rice porriges and puddings.

If you happen to have sticky rice (you can tell by the opacity of the grains) or sweet rice (that is sticky rice, but I don't know why it's called that because it's not naturally sweet), then 1/2 kilogram of that can be steamed and mixed in with a syrup made out of one 40oz. can of coconut milk with ginger root and 1/2 kilogram of brown sugar (or less).

Some savory rice mixes can be interesting, too: from risotto (although I've heard that takes too many stages to be worth the trouble) to nasi goreng or nasi kuning (fried rice and saffron rice, respectively.)
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