Tea for Sickness


16 Nov 2014
Local time
12:08 AM
Washington, USA
Since we are still in the cold and flu season...and apparently now even the measles season because some people refuse to get vaccinated, I thought I would bring up the fact that I drink gallons of hot tea when I am sick. I have found that this little herbal treat and leafty treat helps me out more than any medication I could buy at the store. You get the benefit of nutrients flowing through your body as well as a hot water flush (in a sense). Do you drink tea when you are sick? What is your favorite kind?
I have gotten into the habit of drinking tea at night, but not specifically for sickness. I fell like drinking a hot water based beverage can help with digestion, but I'm not sure if that if really true or just a wives tale.

My mom used to make a honey lemon tea for when I had a cough. I do think lots of any type of liquid, especially hot, can help flush things out of you.
Lemon honey tea, indeed. It also works to open nasal passages too, if you breathe the steam in while brewing it (stovetop, for me) or over the cup when it's done. Works wonders.

Aside from that, I heard Peppermint and Ginger work fine. Here's a couple snippets from another site:

"Halifax naturopath Colin Huska recommends drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating, and to relieve muscle spasms. It’s also good for nausea (without vomiting) and for heating up the body and making it sweat. If indigestion or heartburn are problems, however, then Dixon recommends avoiding peppermint altogether. Peppermint tea can also be made using fresh herbs from the garden—and it's one of the easiest herbs to grow."

"Another great digestive aid, ginger can be used to curb nausea, vomiting or upset stomach due to motion sickness. Make fresh ginger tea by simmering a piece of ginger root on the stove for 10 to 15 minutes—add fresh lemon juice and honey when you have a cold for a powerful germ-fighting combination. Beacon also suggests making tea from powdered ginger to ward off a chill."

Chamomile also helps with Insomnia, from what I've heard and read.
Like most British people, I find A Nice Cup of Tea (proper tea, mind, not herbal stuff) helps with most situations.

I might go for a honey and lemon drink when i have a bad cold, but generally A Nice Cup of Tea gets me through.

(and it's even better if you have someone on hand to make it for you when ever you wimper feebly).
I'm not a big tea drinker normally but I will have tea with honey if I'm not feeling well in the morning and the coffee doesn't seem to be going down. Ginger tea with lemon is also a good remedy for a sick stomach.
I am not big on tea, so no I don't drink any when I am sick! I find that water does the trick moat of the time... I drink gallons of it especially when I am feeling a little out of color and it works wonders! Thanks for the share though, I might just make a batch for my sick granny! She loves tea, I'm sure she'll perk up after one cup.
Yes, I have found that some teas tend to have a medicinal effect. Most of them give a pick-me-up feeling. I know that ginger tea is especially good in relieving an upset stomach. I have also found it to be good for colds. Tea with a mixture of lemon and ginger is also a very pleasant tasting drink. Recently I have heard that green tea is good for irritated and swollen gums. In fact, resting a warm tea bag on the area is also known to be beneficial in these cases.
Ginger with lemon is the best overall tea for when you are sick, in my opinion! It is great for when you have a flu or cold, or a strep throat. Now whenever I'm sick on my stomach I like baccharis leaves. Fennel and sage also help. I really think some teas will help you and can replace some over the counter medicines we are used to buying.
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