The CookingBites recipe challenge: bacon

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You could use honey instead of maple syrup on the bacon. A place here makes "Millionaire's Bacon," which I love, and it must use honey plus something spicy and I don't know what else, because it's not maple syrup as I'm not that fond of it myself.

The last time I made fondue with the DD and DGDs, I rendered some pancetta in decent sized pieces and we dipped them in the cheese sauce course. The DGDs and DD almost got in a fight over the last few pieces, j/k. Then, we made the chocolate course and while we were sitting there dipping the sweet stuff, I said we should have saved some of the pancetta to dip in the chocolate, and my DD said I was just thinking the same thing. I still haven't tried it, but I've seen bacon dipped in chocolate for sale.
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My first of a planned three recipes:

Recipe - Bourbon-Bacon Cream Cheese Frosting

The frosting is all I'm submitting for the challenge, but you have to have something to put the frosting on (well, I don't...I can just eat it like mashed potatoes), so I found a box of cake mix in my cupboard and made some devil's food cupcakes:

I've eaten one, MrsT has eaten one, and I gave two to the neighbors (in return for tomatoes and beans from their garden), and we all agree...this ain't yer usual frosting!

Bacon, of course, mixes so well with sweet things, as does bourbon, so they're both welcome here, and they cut through some of that powdered-sugar sweetness that can be overwhelming sometimes. This is a nicely balanced frosting - a little sweet, a little savory, and a boozy little slap in the tastebuds, too.

I'll point out, that frosting looks a little...wet?...loose? the pic; I'd just frosted it, set it down, and got a call from work, and it's pretty warm in the house already this morning, so that's that.

I'll also point out the cupcake I didn't take a pic of: as you can see, I'm crap at frosting, and every time I have to frost something, I go watch a couple of videos so I can at least make a decent try of it.

Well, I was still struggling, and MrsT said, "Give me a go!" - I think it's obvious she's been watching her weight, because she must have squeezed on three cupcakes' worth of frosting. It looked like a snow-blanketed fantasy cottage from a Thomas Kinkade painting. I half-expected a Smurf to come tumbling out!
I'll also point out the cupcake I didn't take a pic of: as you can see, I'm crap at frosting, and every time I have to frost something, I go watch a couple of videos so I can at least make a decent try of it.
Buy some disposable piping bags and a couple of big tips, star and plain round to start, and problem solved! Only have to clean the tips.
I have to add this story:

I stopped into Kroger today and bumped into my neighbor, the one I gave a cupcake to yesterday. He’s in his late ‘60’s and wears hearing aids, which means he talks a lot louder than he generally needs to.

When he saw me, he shouted from down the other end of the aisle, “HEY, TASTY!” and he walked halfway to meet me in the middle, and shook my hand.


I swear, he couldn’t have been louder if he was on the PA system. Everybody, both ends of the aisle and out in the main areas at the ends, turned around and stared at us! 😆
When we in the States hear "bacon", it seems that it always means streaky bacon. But, for this challenge, I assume this includes all forms of bacon:

9 Types of Bacon to Try Before You Die

I figured that a vegan substitute would be allowed (I hadn't heard of dulse until I read this article), but I hadn't considered bacon from other things besides pigs. Yes, there's a lot of versatility here besides just streaky bacon.
When we in the States hear "bacon", it seems that it always means streaky bacon. But, for this challenge, I assume this includes all forms of bacon:

9 Types of Bacon to Try Before You Die

I figured that a vegan substitute would be allowed (I hadn't heard of dulse until I read this article), but I hadn't considered bacon from other things besides pigs. Yes, there's a lot of versatility here besides just streaky bacon.
Exactly The Late Night Gourmet , any sort of Bacon, even Vegetarian/Vegan are all welcome.
It doesn't have to be from Pork and that's what I was thinking when I called BACON!
American "streaky" BACON is just a small tip of a huge iceberg of kinds of BACON, but mention of the word BACON just makes ya drool.
I really hope to see BACON from different parts of the World!!!
huge iceberg of kinds of BACON,

Did you say iceberg (lettuce) of bacon?

I haven't had a Wedge Salad in for ever!
Well, you could leave the Tomato off for me though :laugh:
I've not forgotten that you would rather turn a BLT into a BL...something else!
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