The Five Second Rule


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
5:40 AM
Anyone on here use this rule still. Are there there times when you might, others when you wouldn't?
I don't, but Mr WD and the grandchildren do, especially where biscuits or other good stuff is concerned.
I pretty much do whatever I feel like there but I have not eaten from the ground recently:happy:. My dogs get there before I do. Recently a customer was shopping and had his young child in the store with a lollipop. Signs clearly state 'no eating in the store' and the sad thing is that the child does not even have it in her mouth. I am trying to be nice and watching her every move while the father tries a pair of shorts (I really need this sale). Anyway, the lollipop that is being handled like a handbag misses the clothing and just as they are about the pay for the item and leave the lollipop drops from the child. Here I am thinking the father is going to tell me to throw it in the trash. He allows her to pick it back up and tells me it won't matter as she was not eating it anyway. Before he could finish the statement, she pops it in her mouth. I think she was waiting for the the five second rule to take effect before she ate it.
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Normally I will not eat something that dropped somewhere else. That is how most of us got accustomed to. If the food is something that I really like then I might consider giving it a second chance hahaha. Trim off the part that touched the surface or maybe cook it again or reheat , anything to get rid of the bacteria.
NO... absolutely not. Some exposure to bacteria is good for you... and anyhow, waste not want not... not to mention the acidity of our stomachs is something like pH 2-3 which will kill most bacteria and bugs anyhow.
Is that a Yes or a No then?
Sense at last - a;though I would be careful depending exactly where it might be.
I lived on the road for 12 months, why would I have any sense? I would much rather be back out there on the road again than stuck in a house (we rent - still a little too sensible but...)
As for bacteria, we were our healthiest when we were on the road with little access to water and only washing our hands once a day if we were lucky. It says a lot about bacteria and the body and what exposure we need to it when a distinct lack of hygiene for a long period left us our healthiest!
I don't often pick food up off the floor and eat it, but it has been known. I'd never heard of this rule anyway. To be honest I don't think I've ever had food poisoning in my whole life (and that is quite a long time!) and I'm certainly not the most hygiene conscious person. I don't disinfect chopping boards or kitchen counters, for example. And I often pop raw veg in my mouth (like cherry tomatoes) without washing them.
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