The Left Over Thread


Legendary Member
15 Mar 2017
Local time
12:14 AM
We all eat them. Many times we even like it..sometimes I eat them just because I feel guilty throwing it out..sometimes we turn them into something else..or add them to accompany a new meal..Like them? Hate them?

Let's celebrate the lowly left overs and their many uses...

Tonight’s offering was a left over bean soup I made a couple of days ago..
I'll admit I don't really care for leftovers, MrsT even less so, though there are some exceptions. I've been better about making smaller portions over the last several months, and better about reusing somethings.
I'll admit I don't really care for leftovers, MrsT even less so, though there are some exceptions. I've been better about making smaller portions over the last several months, and better about reusing somethings.
I can't get the portions right..I usually have enough for one person left over. By the end of the week there could be three or 4 meals for one left over..we wouldn't have to cook all, we do and more often than not, they go in the garbage..
I can't get the portions right..I usually have enough for one person left over. By the end of the week there could be three or 4 meals for one left over..we wouldn't have to cook all, we do and more often than not, they go in the garbage..
A similar problem that I have is making a recipe and freezing some. I always just throw whatever amount I’m saving into the freezer without portioning it.

A month later, I’ll get whatever it is out of the freezer, like a pot pie filling, and realize I’ve saved four portions in one lump, when I really should have saved them off in two portions. I’m embarrassed to say how many times I’ve done that - it’s basically freezing something to throw away later. :laugh:
B.M. (before Mom came to live with us), I almost always seem to make 3 portions of most things.
Now this worked out perfectly, until we moved my Mother to a Senior Living Community 😊
Now, I still am making 3 portions of most dishes, but then I eat that extra portion for breakfast the next day.
This FREAKS DH out!!
"That's not what you eat for breakfast!"
Me: Who are you, the food police? I can eat what I like anytime of day thank you very much :harrumph:
Good thread idea. I will gratefully eat leftovers a few times, but the Mrs does not love leftovers, with the notable exception of stews or curry which actually seem to improve the second time around.
Fried Rice is a good one for using leftover bits of pork or chicken if their original method of cooking is on the drier side, like Roast Pork/Chicken. Fried Rice is also more effectively made with leftover rice than fresh rice!
Sometimes a salad can simply be topped with your choice of leftover protein. I can't tell you how often we buy a rotisserie chicken and eat all the dark meat on day one leaving ourselves what to do with the breast meat. We usually end up shredding the breast meat and adding it to a fresh salad the next day.
My mom sometimes does a frittata with leftover veggies if she prepped too many for the meal the night before.
Good thread idea. I will gratefully eat leftovers a few times, but the Mrs does not love leftovers, with the notable exception of stews or curry which actually seem to improve the second time around.
Fried Rice is a good one for using leftover bits of pork or chicken if their original method of cooking is on the drier side, like Roast Pork/Chicken. Fried Rice is also more effectively made with leftover rice than fresh rice!
Sometimes a salad can simply be topped with your choice of leftover protein. I can't tell you how often we buy a rotisserie chicken and eat all the dark meat on day one leaving ourselves what to do with the breast meat. We usually end up shredding the breast meat and adding it to a fresh salad the next day.
My mom sometimes does a frittata with leftover veggies if she prepped too many for the meal the night before.
I'd rather get rid of the white meat (eat some, share with cats) on the first day, serving when hot (for me at least). Dark meat is great either hot or cold. If I have to do breast a second day, I throw it into a casserole and heat it. Preferably topping it with cheese, too. Disguise it with flavor!

Extra veggies, depending on what they were, may end up in an omelet. Or with that casserole.

By and large, if it was good, it is something I look forward to the next day (or maybe a day after that).

Exceptions are something that is meant to be hot and crispy. Even reheated in the oven, the crisp doesn't truly return. Avocados don't last, either. Pasta can be problematic.

But I have no intrinsic objection to the idea of leftover consumption.
Another thought - when I was a Working Jane, I'd make meals in advance on Sundays to take for lunch for a few days. Technically, those were "leftovers" even if I didn't eat any on the day being made. And when I did eat some - I was consciously making enough for work later that week. Yes, as leftovers.
Another thought - when I was a Working Jane, I'd make meals in advance on Sundays to take for lunch for a few days. Technically, those were "leftovers" even if I didn't eat any on the day being made. And when I did eat some - I was consciously making enough for work later that week. Yes, as leftovers.
hah! It really is funny that the trend of "meal-prep" for us working folks to take lunch to work is essentially pre-packaged leftovers. So true MC!
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