The Placenta and Child birth


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:06 PM
SE Australia
Would you eat your placenta after child birth? It goes without saying this is a woman only thing, unless you are prepared to eat your partner's...

The act of eating your placenta is called Placentophagy. and is said to reduce pain after delivery, increase energy levels, help with breastmilk production and enhance bonding between mother and child.
Would you eat your placenta after child birth? It goes without saying this is a woman only thing, unless you are prepared to eat your partner's...
Would you eat your placenta after child birth? It goes without saying this is a woman only thing, unless you are prepared to eat your partner's...

I had four home deliveries (and I don't mean supermarket deliveries!!). Each time, I considered this question :unsure: (the idea has been around since the 70's at least) but I ended up burying it in the garden. After childbirth, all I wanted was comfort food and somehow this didn't fit the bill.
I had four home deliveries (and I don't mean supermarket deliveries!!). Each time, I considered this question :unsure: (the idea has been around since the 70's at least) but I ended up burying it in the garden. After childbirth, all I wanted was comfort food and somehow this didn't fit the bill.

You can bury it :ohmy: I thought there would some rules regarding disposal :unsure:
All change with The Human Tissue Act 2004. No longer allowed to sell them.
I suppose its 'yours', part of your body - so you can bury it or eat it or burn it or hang it in the garden for the birds!
Just not allowed to sell it. As one restaurant found out when they added it to their menu.
It makes me shudder ,even thinking about eating a unknowns placenta,
But as I've said before if it was deemed normal it would be like me eating liver
There has been a lot of press this week on it:sick:
I do not think it's such a good idea. I don't know where this idea comes from, but my instinctive reaction as seeing this post was that it's some sort of fertility ritual or something. I live in a community where home, midwife deliveries are quite common, but I have never heard of this.
Oh wow, there is actually a cookbook with placenta recipes...seriously? I guess you can find just about anything on the internet. I would never even think about eating my own placenta, let alone someone elses. I got to see what mine looked like after giving birth to my son and those things are not even remotely appealing.
I do not think it's such a good idea. I don't know where this idea comes from, but my instinctive reaction as seeing this post was that it's some sort of fertility ritual or something. I live in a community where home, midwife deliveries are quite common, but I have never heard of this.
Nature! What is between the cow and calf was eaten by the cow.
It might be all right for cows and other animals, but thankfully I never felt I wantèd to, and to be honest there is no evidance that it is beneficial in any way to the mother which was how it was promoted in the first place. Placenta and chips is so yesterday dahling.
It might be all right for cows and other animals, but thankfully I never felt I wantèd to, and to be honest there is no evidance that it is beneficial in any way to the mother which was how it was promoted in the first place. Placenta and chips is so yesterday dahling.
Cheaper than Guinness. Both high in iron.
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