The Turducken! Which holiday would you make it for?


11 Nov 2014
Local time
8:50 PM
A Turducken is a holiday bird meal which is a chicken stuffed inside of a duck, with the duck being stuffed inside of a turkey. My question is which holiday would you use it to celebrate with? Would you use it on Thanksgiving or would you use it on Christmas? Would you use it at all?
Mini Turducken..jpg

I want to make THIS one - a Mini Turducken Roll!

Doing it with a whole turkey is too much, since it is only me. Sometime around Easter. I'll get the meat for it and freeze it ahead of time, so that I'll have it when it gets near Easter. :wink:

I think I'm booked up for the remainder of the holiday season. :eek:
I must admit this is the first time I am hearing of a Turducken. I have always cooked these 3 meats separately, although duck is a meat I have eaten only about once or twice. It sounds like an interesting combination, but I do not know if I would ever do it. I guess if I were to go out to lunch or dinner where this was the meat being served, I would still eat it, however. Having these 3 meats mixed together as a paste sounds like it would be good for making sandwiches..

Here's what the regular Turducken looks like cut in half!

As you can see, it has the turkey, duck and chicken meat with the stuffing sandwiched between them. :)

Too much for me to eat! That is why I want to do the scaled-down version of it (pictured above). :eek:
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