Those oils that cause obesity

eat and eat

12 Mar 2015
Local time
9:04 AM
Is it OK to never eat those oils that cause obesity? To maintain a nutritional balance seems to be in need of animal oil and so on. I think we should eat those oils but not just for the sake of losing weight.
Vegetable oils are unhealthy. Animal and nut oils are healthy. We all require a balance of protein, fat, and carbs to be healthy. I think we each need to listen to our bodies to find our own balance. What works for me may not be good for you. Obesity is caused by our bodies turning sugars into fat. I can guarantee that if you cut out sugar, flour, etc. and ate butter and coconut oil, you would lose weight :D
This is a very good question. For years we have been educated into thinking that veg oil is healthier than animal fat. Now this has changed, and using butter/lard/fat is healthier than sunflower oil. Medical advice about food seems to blow with the wind, but on balance I believe that less industrial processing is best.
Fat does not cause obesity, it is, in 90% of cases caused by not burning off the excess calories of whatever sort they may be. This may be unpalatable to many but it is true. There are two choices cut down the food or increase the exercise. The damage various fats can do is drastically reduced if they are 'burnt off' immediately after consumption. The body will process almost anything [even consuming it's own muscle mass in the last emergencies]. Sit around and let the fat 'set' in the arteries and trouble must follow. The trouble is not in the type of foods but in our modern lifestyle. I'm afraid the difficulty is in finding a balance with your energy output [and good luck on that one].
I agree @sidevalve, but would modify it a bit and say that eating too much of the wrong foods will turn into fat. I could eat vegetables until I exploded and I would not get fat :happy: I actually eat a lot and am very slender. It is due to what I eat a lot of. Exercise is important for many reasons and should be a part of a healthy lifestyle.
I honestly find this subject very confusing. Animal fat being better than vegetable fat and all the rest of it leaves me exhausted deciding on what to choose. For that reason I try to use a bare minimum of what shows up my cupboard.
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