To cook cake from scratch or not to


5 Jan 2015
Local time
6:19 PM
Do you like cooking cake from scratch or do the cake boxes help things go a little faster?
I prefer making it from scratch so that I gauge the ingredients and how much I put of everything. Plus with being lactose intolerant you never want to buy boxed things because they put all sorts of things in there to jazz it up.
I can see why some people might prefer the cake boxes though, it would be faster and much more convenient!
Whenever i look at a cake mix, it seems you still have to add a load of stuff, and by the time you've done it you could just measure the ingredients out at home..

I worked in a supermarket for years and coming up to Pancake Day we would sell a pancake mix that said on the box "Just add milk and an egg". So that was just flour then...
Cook cake?:unsure:

Never really looked at it as 'cooking cake', it was always baking cake. :happy:

I bake from scratch, usually from instructions from one of my baking books.:bookworm:
I used to bake decades ago but then found buying cakes much easier, but a few years ago I was inactive due to a ruptured Achillie's tendon and so for something to do I got back into baking.:thumbsup:

I do enjoy it, the process as much as the outcome but I have to be more restrained as I am more then capable of eating a whole cake, of any size, in one sitting:porky:
Night Train does a fab Lemon Monsoon cake. It's like Lemon Drizzle, but with a whole lot more lemon glaze on top!
It's been awhile since I have baked a cake. I have made cakes from a box mix and from scratch. Baking a cake from a box mix is quick, but a cake made from scratch is far superior.
I always have high hopes of baking a cake from scratch, but I always end up going back to the boxed cake mix! It's just so convenient. However, sometimes I will add an extra egg or use butter in place of the oil to give it a more "homemade" taste.

I also don't have a trusted homemade cake recipe so sometimes that influences my decision to use a boxed cake mix. I would hate to ruin someones birthday cake with a bad recipe! Does anyone have an easy cake recipe to share?
I like making my cakes from scratch whenever I can. Like Arch said, by the time you put the extra ingredients into the boxed cake, the box pretty much just contains flavored flour. At least when making them from scratch, I know what exactly is in the cake.
Cakes made from scratch, with real eggs and butter are much nicer. The box mixes usually give good results but they lack taste. They also come up a bit too small in my opinion. Cakes from scratch also contain a lot less additives than the pre-packaged mixes, therefore they are HEALTHY! Honest!
I don't do it now, but when I did bake cakes I always did it from scratch. I would never consider buying a box of ready mixed ingredients. I think the whole point in baking your own cookies and cakes should be the satisfaction of having made it all from the basic raw ingredients.

I can see how box packs would appeal to a novice who had never baked a cake before, but I would hope that after trying a few boxes, that person would go on to try baking from scratch. The only real difference is having to measure all the ingedients before mixing them.
It depends, I sometimes get a pre-made dough from the bakery if in a hurry and I can't find the right ingredients, I think that is cheating but it has happened more than once. I have used boxes if we are traveling, or for the ease of it with kids or making many different types.
But I do prefer to make everything from scratch , it just isn't a practical solution all the time.
I am very happy that there are alternatives in boxes , it also makes it easy to get started when most of the thinking and planning is done and you only have to add a few ingredients like water, milk or butter.
What I do is, I look carefully at the recipe... and then I do whatever the hell I prefer! :laugh:)) Jokes aside, the measures are very important when you bake, so I don't experiment there. However, with time, you learn how to figure things out from scratch, because it becomes something of a second nature to you - almost like when you master a new instrument so well that you don't need to notes anymore. You can just improvise and jam. That's what I try to do with my cakes.
When it comes to using mixes - definitely DO NOT use them. Most of them are full of stupid ingredients which make for a very toxic cake afterwards. It's better to mix ingredients yourself :wink:
Depending what boxed cake you buy there can be a huge noticeable difference between boxed and scratch cake. Boxed cake like Duncan Hines etc, is very light, airy and spongy. For me, no matter how you doctor it, I can always tell it's boxed cake mix. It doesn't taste natural, or at least not truly homemade. It still tastes good, but I always know it came from a box.
never baked from a box ,often use puff pastry pre made and filo just can not get it as good ,
even my lads enjoy baking as long as some one clears up,they have both completed 15 weeks of making cakes for a fund raising coffee shop baking different cakes each week,just something we have never considered buying a box
When I am not still married I used to baked some cakes and pastries but when I began to be busy with my married life I always focus on cooking dishes for our daily meals. Baking cake from scratch is fulfilling when you get the right texture of the cake bread and of course the right taste of it. Of course it is better to bake one by yourself even it is a long process than buying a ready made from a bakeshop or bread store. But sometimes if we do not have the time and we need to serve it to many people during an occasion or event for me it is better that I will just buy cakes in this situation.
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