Too much junk food?

The consumpsation of motre junk food is part being lazy and not knowing the value of good food. I choose to pay more for good food and not pay a doctor bill some place down the line because of poor choices made in selecting good food. People don't realize you can cook a good for you meal quickly, it does not have to take hours to cook a meal if you plan.
Examples of junk food are those big bag of chips. Why do they have to pack them in such big bags? It's like when you open it, you have to finish the whole bag because the taste changes if you leave it and eat it the next day. Also, junk food is fast, easy and affordable. When you're in a hurry or you're too lazy to prepare meals, fast-food restaurants are usually on speed dial.
Examples of junk food are those big bag of chips. Why do they have to pack them in such big bags? It's like when you open it, you have to finish the whole bag because the taste changes if you leave it and eat it the next day. Also, junk food is fast, easy and affordable. When you're in a hurry or you're too lazy to prepare meals, fast-food restaurants are usually on speed dial.
We call them crisps in the UK. Chips here are what you call Fries. But its exactly the same here (although we can still get standard bags of crisps).
Here is Canada there is definitely a growing obesity problem. I find that children these days love sugary processed foods. I do my best to feed my kids healthy nutritious foods. I buy most food fresh and try not by processed foods. I limit the soda in the house as well candy and chocolates. I do admit our families weakness is chips. We love potato chips. As a teacher I see many kids bringing completely packaged/process lunches. Not a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable in it. Some parents send their kids to school with candy, chocolate, kool aid, chips and a sandwich made with deli meat. And you wonder why kids can't concentrate in class. I think some of it is due to the food dyes and sugars in their diet.

I think that child obesity problem is not only in Canada but in most parts of the world. China is already complaining that their kids are getting obese due to too much pampering by their grandparents - with the one-child policy prevailing in China, a child will have 2 sets of grandparents and those grandparents have no other grandchildren but just that 1 grandchild. But I agree that obesity in children is primary due to the rich food and drinks that we have now. When I was young there was no fastfood and junk food was limited to potato chips. Now we have all kinds of chips and all types of fastfoods.
The fact is it is not hard to consume junk food like this regularly. I for one use to eat chocolate chip cookies almost every single day. I use to eat it for lunch, throughout the day, and for dinner. Now, that is a lot of sugar and fat in my diet that overtime has a negative impact on your health.
I imagine that America is right up there with Australia and Canada. You always hear on the news about out obesity problem. It must be a thing with advanced countries who can afford to eat junk food. Very sad indeed though.
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