Tricks to survive the holiday dishes?


27 Dec 2014
Local time
5:09 AM
Hi everybody!

As Christmas rolled in, so did the traditional meals. For us, that meant a hearty stew of meatballs and gravy served with a good dose of mashed potatoes; then on the next day, we had beef rolls, again with mashed potatoes. We had no guests, so no real reason to make a many small courses meal, or to have different salads around.

It was delicious. Don't get me wrong, it was pure bliss, exactly what Christmas should taste like -- i.e. the food of my granny, and the loving food of my partner. I'll be looking forward to it next Christmas, too (did not decide yet what's on the menu for New Year's Eve!)

That being said... My belly has been *killing* me. It feels so heavy and unsettled by these terrific portions, all this meat, potatoes and grease! I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to balance it out proper -- we had these foods as we always had them. It's the first time it knocks me out like this! I would not even be able to imagine how to make it healthier or what fresh sidedish would fit to it.

This is why I'm turning to you, community of cooks. Do you have any idea how to deal with this without compromising on the greatness of a big Christmas meal? Digestives? Special desserts that turn out to be refreshing? A nice tea for digestion?

Or should I prepare myself to actually be *cautious* with my future holiday foods?

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