Turmeric powder with brown sugar and coconut oil


16 Mar 2015
Local time
8:35 PM
Here's a tasty dip I'd like to share with everyone... turmeric powder with brown sugar with coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. I always wanted to include turmeric tea in my diet for it's benefits but I didn't like the taste in hot tea form and I find that I like it better using it as a sauce...
Your dip recipe sounds good what do you dip into the mix. I drink ginger tea to help with my joint pain.
I tried making turmeric tea with black pepper and I liked the taste but it's not something I will want to drink often. I use it more in sauces. I never thought of using it for anything sweet.

The recipe does not say how much brown sugar is added to the turmeric, oil and vinegar. I think it could go well with raw carrot sticks and other raw vegetables, or as a glaze for cooked carrots. I might give it a try.
... turmeric powder with brown sugar with coconut oil and apple cider vinegar... I find that I like it better using it as a sauce...

That looks interesting, I may have to give it a try. I can't say I know what turmeric tastes like on it's own, I'm used to having it mixed with other ingredients in a cooked dish.

Your dip recipe sounds good what do you dip into the mix. I drink ginger tea to help with my joint pain.

How does the tea work to help with joint pain, @Pat?
Damn you coconut oil for being so versatile! It drives me insane how usable in many a recipe you truly are. I should probably harken back to the time period of olives & oil
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