TV Channels That Do Stupid Things!!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
10:34 AM
Brighton, MA.
How many of you are as sick & tired & fed up as I am of the ridiculously stupid things that you have to put up with just to watch a program or movie on some of the TV channels? For instance, There seems to be way too many commecial interuptions, too many commercials when they do, not enough air time for whatever you're watching, & when the program or movie has reach the end, they fast-forward through the credits! You don't get enough time to read them, or they shrink the screen, still leaving you to not being able to read the credits!!

TV today has gone to the dogs! It is in no way like it used to be. I relealize that co's. sponser ads through commecials, but the way they seem to just take over completely makes me just not want to watch most channels any more!! It is just so ridiculous these days!! I just as soon go buy a movie or old show on DVD, rather than watch it on a TV channel that has tons of ads & shrinks the screen, not giving you a chance to read the credits!! :mad::headshake::stop:
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We "cut the cord" years ago as well.
Now we "stream" what we want to watch and if by chance advertisements do come up, you can hit the skip ads button... pretty nifty.
The added bonus to this is, for the most part, we're not paying anything!
I had had enough when our satellite bill got to over $100 USD per month :eek:
We "cut the cord" years ago as well.
Now we "stream" what we want to watch and if by chance advertisements do come up, you can hit the skip ads button... pretty nifty.
The added bonus to this is, for the most part, we're not paying anything!
I had had enough when our satellite bill got to over $100 USD per month :eek:

Comcast has it, but they want you to PAY for it. They like to "nickel & dime" people for things. Remember True TV? They're a prime example for stupid shows!! They used to have shows like South Beach Tow, Lizard Lick Towing, Hard Core Pawn & others. They got rid of all those shows for ridiculously STUPID shows, such as that stupid Impractical Jokers & others!!!!! I don't even watch that channel any more!!! If it was killed & went off the air, it would just suit me fine!!! Boy!! I HATE that channel with a pure passion something fierce!!! :yuck:
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In the UK we still have the wonderful BBC. Its free of advertising and first rate in terms of both journalism and drama. Long may it live...

We have PBS in the US. The Newshour on PBS is an excellent news show, and PBS has a lot of dramas. They even have a cooking show with TastyReuben's cooking idol, Jaques Pepin -- well, one of his cooking idols.

I listen to NPR (National Public Radio) in the car. It is commercial free. You just have to put up with "pledge drives" four times per year for your local NPR affiliates (KERA in Dallas).

The government provides a small amount of the funding for public radio and television in the US. The bulk of funding comes from corporate support, endowments and listener support.

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