Types Of Pasta Sauces


14 Mar 2014
Local time
10:26 PM
I've always loved cream based pasta sauces, and I'd even go as far as to say I prefer it over tomato based ones. However, I do find it a bit too strong and I get tired of it way more quickly than I would a red sauce, so I usually just order or make a small portion of it whenever I pick a cream based pasta dish. I also like Pesto, but admittedly not that much, and I almost never crave it, but I do appreciate it whenever I have it especially when it's prepared very well.

Are there any other pasta sauces I'm missing out on? Are there any other good pasta bases to use? I'm thinking a squash based one would be nice too. Which pasta sauces are your favorites?
I love cream based ones, though quite often I stick to tomato based since it's easier and faster to make. I only cook for myself, so I don't like to spend a lot of time doing that. If I'm making food for several people, then I'd probably go with a cream sauce.

And well.. you can use pretty much anything as a pasta sauce. I tried quite a few premade indian sauces recently and they were a nice change.
I love using salsa as a pasta sauce, I use it on almost anything. I prefer the tomato based sauces myself, I find the creamy ones too high in fat. You can use just about anything for a pasta sauce. Let your mind go and experiment with different substances.
Carbonara is a good and pretty cheap pasta recipe. You basically need ham, cheese and eggs. Sear the ham, then add in cooked pasta of your choice and mix with the fats released by the ham. After that you just slowly add a beaten egg and grated cheese mix made out of about 3 eggs and 200g of cheese, on low fire, and mix it all together. The result is a really creamy, and awesome pasta sauce.
I also love pesto pasta! But it is a bit strong, if I ate it always I probably would get tired really soon.
The pastas I love and you could probably enjoy are fungi, Gorgonzola cheese white cream sause, and everything with basil - I think basil goes so well with pasta!
Also, something my mom always made and I make also because it's healthy, yummy and easy is simple pasta with olive oil and garlic, then add arugula and dried tomatoes. It's delicious!
I'm not very fond of cream in any recipe. I do use one cream based pasta recipe but I substitute a can of mushroom soup in place of the cream.

I much prefer tomato based pasta sauces, which I make with concentrated tomato paste, apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar and olive oil. I always include fresh garlic and sometimes I use spices.

I also serve pasta without any sauce, just with chopped fresh tomatoes and cooked vegetables, plus garlic, oil and the vinegar.

Most people add cheese to pasta. Sadly I can no longer eat cheese, so I have to make my pasta taste good with other ingredients.
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