Unpasteurized apple Cider Vinegar


28 Aug 2015
Local time
5:13 AM
I've been reading up on this stuff and it seems to be universally useful; culinary, nutritional, and medicinal. Curious if and what you use it for?

I have a number of uses for it including using it instead of normal vinegar, improve digestion (rumoured to improve) and also it is believed to stave off or delay the symptoms of arthritis and given that I can't have the normal treatment for arthritis and am showing the first symptoms in my fingers, I take a tablespoon morning and night.
Friend of mine takes it for osteoarthritis but for his form unfortunately it doesn't really help much he's had it since his mid twenties
Other ailments it can help is gout and weight loss
Salad dressings, pickles and chutney, marinades, Vindaloo curry, making a sauce from roast pork juices (especially if the pork is cooked on a bed of apples). Also use a splash in apple crumble or apple pie.

Gargle with it for sore throats.
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