Valentine's Day Desert Ideas


21 Dec 2014
Local time
4:36 PM
I'm starting to think about what to make for Valentine's Day. I like to come up with creative ideas that have beautiful presentation. I found a few desert ideas here:

I really like the mug cakes. There is something romantic about individual small servings in pretty mugs. It is very unique because you would not normally serve cake in a mug.
That's such a lovely idea Valentine's day desserts. I haven't made those in a while but the last time I did, I made a special breakfast! It was very simple really because my partner loved his coffees and cappuccinos I just made a cappuccino with a heart shape and biscuits letters that spelled I love you! He loved it and thought it to be very thoughtful. The heart shape is just frothed milk and you shape it into a heart with a tooth pick.
All the best with your dessert.
For anyone who likes the idea of strawberries and cream on Vaentine's Day, here is a twist on the whole thing. I found a recipe for Strawberry Drenched in Honeyed Cream. What is even more unique about this is that the cream has basil in it. I tried the recipe out and my entire home was infused with the most lovely scent. Wouldn't it be nice to wake your loved one up to a nice breakfast with this sweet scent. Here is the recipe for it.
I saw someone make cake pops for an occasion on television. Cake pops are mini cakes on the end of a stick just like popsicles or blow pop candy. I thought this was so cute. The cakes were dipped in frosting and decorated. They also have these plastic covers with twisties wrapped around them. I had never seen this before. They look really pretty for children in an inexpenisve decorated bucket from the dollar store. They could be arranged to look like a flower arrangement.
I know I am getting requests for Christmas at the moment ,menus and bookings ,but Valentine's Day is locked away in the dark recesses of my grey matter ,and this comes out in the new year
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