Recipe Vegan Banana Bread


5 May 2014
Local time
6:05 AM
During my stint as a vegan this was my favourite sweet dish to prepare. It always came out well, which surprised even me. I recommend it to anyone with a love of bananas, not just vegans.


225g Plain flour (or use Self-raising flour and reduce the Baking powder to 2 heaped tsp)
3 heaped tsp Baking powder
100g Brown sugar
3 tsp Cinnamon or Mixed spice
3 large Black bananas, mashed
75g Vegetable or Sunflower oil (weight)
50g Dried fruit or nuts (optional)

Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celcius. Mash the peeled bananas with a fork. Mix well with oil and sugar.
Add the flour, baking powder and cinnamon, and combine well. Add any additional ingredients.
Baked in a greased and lined 2lb loaf tin for 20 minutes, before checking. Cover with foil, if the loaf cake is browning. Bake for another 40 minutes (approximately). Allow to cool a little before slicing. It's delicious freshly baked but even yummier when it goes gooey the next day!
I'm not sure I know what you mean by "black bananas". I know that banana skin turns brown as the fruit ripens and softens, do they eventually turn black?

Bananas are so nutritious, and this does look like a lovely recipe. I would like to try it with wholemeal flour and muscovado sugar.
Hmmhm, I just mean bananas that look live they've gone off. The sweetness and softness of it is what makes the bread come out sticky and lovely. Muscovado sugar will probably be great with it. I personally prefer to use regular old brown sugar - the sweeter the better, eh? :3
It sounds like a good recipe and I would prefer the brown sugar over any other sweetener. Sometimes I put a splash of milk in my recipe, it really adds moisture to the bread.
Sometimes I put a splash of milk in my recipe, it really adds moisture to the bread.

Dairy wouldn't make it vegan anymore, though. Perhaps soya or almond milk (rice milk, even?) would do the same thing.

On a tangent, I heard that a good vegan substitute for egg is ground flaxseed or chia seeds mixed with cold water.

I've also heard that a good substitute for egg is maybe vegan egg-substitutes in a banana bread recipe would make it extra eggy without actually having any egg! :wink:
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