Vegetarian and dieting?


8 Mar 2015
Local time
8:11 PM
Anyone else a vegetarian and currently trying to diet? I've been vegetarian for almost 3 years now, and I'm currently on Weight Watchers. I'm finding the amount of vegetarian recipe options on their website very lacking. I've been digging into Pinterest lately trying to find more recipes. Would love to hear your experiences.
I'm vegan and differing. I've been vegetarian and also dieted very successfully on it.
The trick is simply to eat less and exercise more. Nothing else.

Cut back on the amount of dairy, that is where your calories are. Add in more vegetables to fill the hole if you need to. They have far fewer calories. They don't need a cheese sauce over them. They don't need coating in butter or oil. Learn to easy and enjoy them plain. Add in beans and pulses to your diet. There is ample protein to be found in them.
If you can learn to cook your vegetables without too much additives that might help. Most people fall in the trap of cooking great vegan dishes then topping them up with all sorts of things. Keep your veggies as plain as can be and you will enjoy the original flavor. I like to make mine crunchy so that I can keep all the nutrients in. You could try that as well. :)
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