Vegetarian dishes

14 Jun 2015
Local time
12:34 AM
Hello all,
I've been thinking about trying some vegetarian food, and I'm not sure where to start. I've tried looking in the cookbooks I own , but I can't find any dishes that are interesting and simple. Has anyone else cooked anything vegetarian? Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks everyone!
What sort of food do you like? Indian, Mexican, Spanish? Pasta, potato, meat replacement? Lots of cheese, or low fat? soup, casserole, pie?

All of it is interesting and really tasty, I can only assume that the books you are looking in are not very good. The more you dig, the more you will realise
For vegetarian food, what comes to my mind is tofu. It is actually bean curd made from soya beans that is the healthiest among vegetarian food. Sometimes I buy tofu for snacks. I would slice it in this strips before frying. The dip can be a sweet and sour sauce or ketchup. It is great for snacking in front of the tv, healthier than potato chips or any other snack food in packets. What I like most in tofu is the cost - very cheap.
It's easy to prepare vegetarian food; you just make the same kinds of dishes you would normally make and leave out the meat/animal protein. For example, if you normally make spaghetti and meat sauce, just saute some vegetables, add your marinara, and then toss in your pasta. It's that simple. Also, when it comes to serving and actually putting the food on a plate, because of the absence of the animal protein, you just add more of the vegetarian foods.
My favorite vegetarian dishes are usually curries - and I guess it helps that those dishes are usually so flavorful and full of spices, you really don't miss the meat at all. I also enjoy things like vegetarian lasagna, eggplant parmigiana, things like that. Your options are unlimited!
Today's the day to go meat free ,it's world meat free day

How did I miss this? I am always interested in the no meat conversation. It's something I would like to do but find it so hard honestly. I think the first thing is to get started and then it might not be so hard after all. Sometimes I will do a vegetable pie that includes a small amount of milk, mustard, paprika and other dried seasonings to spruce it up.
I like to supplement my dishes with lots of spices. For instance instead of preparing spaghetti and meat I throw in mixed vegetables such as peas and carrot strips that are well spiced. I have discovered great meal ideas this way. I try out vegan dishes all the time as I hope to make the switch some time soon:D
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